
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:53:50
两个照片是一题,完形填空 完形填空第五题怎么做 一道英语完形填空题,就两个空you ( 1.)have a very fast car.you have got here very(2.)indeed1.A .can B.must C.may be D.have to2.A.fast B.quick C.quickly D.faster为什么选这个而不选别的 经典题组训练 初一英语能力训练求答案 1.that is an e______,it can brush dirt.2.can i use your pencil?---sorry,but i have o_____one.3.jim sets a good e______for us.4.i have no money,i can not a____the car.5.e_____of the students has a book.6.f_____usually has only teenty-eight days.7.do y 桃花心木读后感400字左右 是吉林版的哟~ 数学七年级暑假 2010年的急 英语 首字母填空完成短文Millie went to Hong Kong with her parents by p__1__.Millie found that the w__2__in Hong Kong was quite d__3__from that in BeijingThey visited Victoria Peak and h__4__a bird eye view(鸟瞰)of Hong Kong.They saw t 英语,短文填空,根据首字母完成短文Salads are very popular in western countries.They’re made from fresh vegetables (1)o fruit,and this (2)m them delicious.They are tasty,too.Salads are great to (3)e in summer,when the weather is (4)h .T 桃花心木读后感400字要快急! 跪求7月20日至今的国内外新闻! 20107月1日至7月29的国外新闻, 英语短文按首字母填空Ali met two friends in the 76 .He invited them for a meal.He said,“You can see the 77 of city from my bedroom 78 .”His two friends were glad and went with him to the building where he lived on the 79 floor.When they 英语短文首字母填空 急In order to do reading exercises very q _______① and very accurately,you must be able to f ______② an answer to a question rapidly.If you read the paragraph very c _____③,you can find the answer e _______④.Howev 英语短文首字母填空time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. if you go to a good s-----,no assistant will come near to you and say ,'can l h-----you 'you needn't buy a------you don't want.you may try to find our where the book you want is 在一幅比例尺是1比8000000的地图上,量得A、B两地的公路长是5.25cm.一辆汽车以每小时70千米的速度从A地开往B地,几小时可以到达B地?用方程 2011东南大学出版社初二,数学数学,选择填空计算不要,只要答案不要空话.如有答案一定重赏 英语短文 首字母填空One day Mr Lion holds a party.Many animals come znd drink a l_____ of wine.At last there is a pot(壶)of mine.Who can drink it?They think out an i_____ and decide to have a match:drawing a snake.“Yeah,l've finished.I'm 练习一到练习九的!要正确! 与其他鹿科动物一样,麋鹿也是一种草食性哺乳动物.一般雄麋鹿体重可达250千克左右,角比较长,每两年脱换一次,麋鹿的角型是鹿科动物中独一无二的——站着的时候,麋鹿角的各枝尖都指向后 我在此先谢谢你们了0cy 请问有人知道初中一年级上册数学试题有人了解的说下吧,打心底感受大伙了4g 各位大哥大姐帮个忙,我马上要去拜年,可寒假乐园还没写掉,就是上面有两个人在堆雪人的,江苏人民出版社的,(寒假乐园)编写组编著,十万火急的!(2009——2010学期的). 谁有2011年七年级寒假乐园答案(江苏人民出版社),我先给10悬赏,如果谁弄的答案好,我一直加到200!(我很有钱) 有个人坐在雪橇上滑雪的北方妇女儿童出社的 快 语数外都要 2010-2011年人教版七年级寒假乐园.重庆出版集团,重庆出版社 桃花心木读后感50字 图上距离3.5cm,实际距离700km,求比例尺 实际距离240km,比例尺1;5000000,求图上距离 帮忙看下初中一年级上册数学试题说出来吧,打心底感受大伙了1J