急!20分悬赏求翻译!英语高手速来!I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:48:29
急!20分悬赏求翻译!英语高手速来!I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you

急!20分悬赏求翻译!英语高手速来!I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you
I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you've got in 4 years,why did you get that?The perfection of my middle school is dead.The person I only care about is not as perfect as before.I acknowledge,I'm old-fashioned.I always think about the history,but you're writing and creating it.God damn playboy. God damn convict.
OK,I should do something.I'll prove,actually I'm the best!

急!20分悬赏求翻译!英语高手速来!I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you





急!20分悬赏求翻译!英语高手速来!I've been enduring you for half a year.God damn,you're always challenging my limit.Do you know the feelings of jealousy?I ain't gonna hide,I've had that for half a year.God damn,I haven't got the chance you 求意大利文翻译高手~!悬赏翻译文章!急! 英语段落翻译——英译汉(3篇)高手来.高悬赏.请分列段落,详细翻译.感激不尽!在线求不是划线句子…是全段… 急 速求 有一种幸福叫面朝大海春暖花开 作文我们老师带我们学了海子的面朝大海春暖花开就让这样写了高手来如果写出来了悬赏50分而且还追加 求英语高手,急. 英语句子翻译(7句) 悬赏 20分 求一位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,急 求英语高手帮忙翻译下.小弟感激不尽.急OutofallthepeopleintheworldIamsoluckythatImeetyouYoumakemydaysbrighterYougivememanyreasonstosmileeverydayItisgreattoknowthatthereissomeonespeciallikeyououtthereYoureallystandoutinthecrowdandmakethe 1道初一英语题,急!回答了再悬赏20分!~~~~~在下有一道英语题, 请各位高手回答一下, 在下将无限感激! 回答了再悬赏20分!~~ 1.RIGHT(同音词)_________ 什么橡胶材料耐四氢呋喃高手帮忙,急.悬赏100分 求德文高手来翻译 高分悬赏:求英文的外国节日饮食介绍 急……急需外国节日饮食习惯的介绍!比如:感恩节,圣诞节,万圣节,复活节.就这四个,英语好的帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译工具!高手帮着翻一翻啊!就四个节 英语高手来.鸭子,小鸭子.翻译英语 数学高手感兴趣的来看看:若复数Z满足(1+2i)Z=4+3i 那么Z的绝对值是多少悬赏100分 紧急英语翻译!悬赏300 兄弟们来 一段300翻译一段就是300分 因为急需 想找英语高手翻译不想用软件 太过生硬了我自己也会努力翻译的 不会偷懒大家加油!高手请留名 我把文章发给你们!!! 英语题目,求高手,急! 九年级英语74页reading翻译(急求)谁有?高分悬赏 来个英语高手吧 快点快点 帮我翻译吧 急啊