over time 并造个句子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 06:33:27
over time 并造个句子

over time 并造个句子
over time 并造个句子

over time 并造个句子
Diseases of the retina can cause vision loss over time.视网膜的疾病可以导致暂时性的视觉丧失.
Over time,he managed to make clay pots that were strong enough to hold liquids.随着时间的流逝,他终于做出了可以盛液体的足够坚固的陶罐.
For example,individuals employed by industry tend over time to adopt a point of view consistent with their employer's interests.例如,为产业界雇用的个人,时间长了会倾向于吸纳与他们雇主利益相一致的观点.
We had to work over time to complete this complicated project.我们不得不加班完成这项复杂的工程.

He usually works over time.

抑制不住内心的喜悦 Then excitement seemed to bubble over inside her.这时她似乎兴奋到了极点 希望能帮到你。