先复制关键词,在百度一下.就找到其他的了.这只是其中一部分.1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:56:35
先复制关键词,在百度一下.就找到其他的了.这只是其中一部分.1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished t

先复制关键词,在百度一下.就找到其他的了.这只是其中一部分.1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished t
1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished their work.A.From B.At C.In D.On 3.My mother made me ______ my clothes last Sunday.A.to wash B.wash C.washed D.washing 4.My friend with me ______ going to Beijing ______ vacation.A.are,in B.is,on C.is,in D.are,on 5.―______ is ______ boy in your class?―I think Tom is.A.What,tallest B.Who,tallest C.What,the tallest D.Who,the tallest 6.―Did you go to the zoo yesterday?-________.A.Yes,I didn't B.No,I didn't C.Yes,I was D.No,I did 7.―Were there any sharks in the aquarium?―________.A.Yes,there were B.No,there wasn't C.Yes,there was D.No,there were 8.There is a shop ________ the street.A.by the end of B.in the end C.at the end of D.on the end 9.I'm going to the aquarium ________ my next day off.A.on B.in C.with D.at

先复制关键词,在百度一下.就找到其他的了.这只是其中一部分.1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished t
1D 2D 3B 4B 5D 6B 7A 8C 9A

先复制关键词,在百度一下.就找到其他的了.这只是其中一部分.1.Both Mike and I ______ ready for the test next week.A.am going to get B.are going get C.is going to get D.are getting 2.______ the morning of May 10th,they finished t 试管授精胚胎移植成功后饮食方面有哪些要注意的你如果要做试管可以先到这个网站去学习一下.百度搜一下就能找到,究竟有什么法宝?可以让那么多患者解决不孕的困扰.在采访了童梦无忧网 请问一下关键字搜索引擎中,想要找到有关两个关键词的内容时,是在两个关键词中加入什么符号? 2012年河南省英语中招答案可以在百度里搜索到,复制一下就行了 英语翻译百度直接复制的就不要了, 苏教版六年级数学下册空间与图形过关测试题答案把标题复制下来,粘贴在百度一下上面就可以了,搜索到了以后,再去百度文库里看,那里有完整的题目. 英语作文《My personality》,不要复制的~不要复制,回答前麻烦先百度HI一下我.现在就要. 英语翻译百度翻译就免了.自己读一下再复制粘贴行么~ 屌丝是什么意思,请简单的说一下 百度百科上的我听不懂别给我复制一大段话,简单说一下就OK了 满意我加200分一条鞭法能否仔细,通俗的讲解一下,只要你是花了时间的,讲解的能够让我懂,我就加200分...请不要去百度粘贴复制,道理很简单...我都看过了...所以.我不希望再在百度上复制粘贴 儒家思想在不同时期的代表人物简介及学说思想言简意赅,百度百科什么的就不要复制粘贴了 请以“开在记忆深处的花朵”为题,写一篇作文.不要在“百度知道”复制来的,600字左右.不要在“百度知道”上复制的,因为那些我都看过了,不喜欢。希望有人帮我找到更好的,600字左右。 英语翻译那首歌是日英混合的,原文百度就能找到 英语翻译感觉唯一能在百度知道上找到的那个翻译太水了 写事作文素材100字,不要古今中外的伟人事例,要生活中的小事,不超过一百字,别在百度上复制黏贴一下就给我, 懂的人说一下,不要百度一搜就复制,那些我都看过了. 英语翻译最近做论文,英语忒差,没办法翻译那么多复杂的句子.所以只能来这里求救了.大家帮想想好么,或者把我那题目给翻译一下还有后面那几个关键词,其他工程庞大.我就只能瞎忽悠的去在 经济发展的重要性中国的经济发展对其他方面如政治,文化,国防等的影响,越多越好,不要说空话~~拜托各位了!有没有深刻一点的,这些我在百度百科也能找到