
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 22:26:09


Oxygen (pronounced /ˈɒksɨdʒɨn/,OK-si-jin,from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid,literally "sharp",from the taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer,literally begetter) is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O.It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table,and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements.At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen,a colorless,odorless,tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2.Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium[1] and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust.[2] Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air.[3]
All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms,such as proteins,carbohydrates,and fats,contain oxygen,as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells,teeth,and bone.Oxygen in the form of O2 is produced from water by cyanobacteria,algae and plants during photosynthesis and is used in cellular respiration for all complex life.Oxygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms,which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago.[4] Another form (allotrope) of oxygen,ozone (O3),helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation with the high-altitude ozone layer,but is a pollutant near the surface where it is a by-product of smog.At even higher low earth orbit altitudes atomic oxygen is a significant presence and a cause of erosion for spacecraft.[5]
Oxygen was independently discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele,in Uppsala,in 1773 or earlier,and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire,in 1774,but Priestley is often given priority because his publication came out in print first.The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier,[6] whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion.Oxygen is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquefied air,use of zeolites to remove carbon dioxide and nitrogen from air,electrolysis of water and other means.Uses of oxygen include the production of steel,plastics and textiles; rocket propellant; oxygen therapy; and life support in aircraft,submarines,spaceflight and diving.

Do you know me? My name is oxygen, there is no color, no taste, invisible and intangible, but you breathe the air where there is 80 percent me, in every corner of the earth my pr...


Do you know me? My name is oxygen, there is no color, no taste, invisible and intangible, but you breathe the air where there is 80 percent me, in every corner of the earth my presence. All animals, plants need oxygen.
At night time, plants also need my help to carry out respiration, so they and I have become inseparable friends.
Climbing into thin air when the place, people will feel shortness of breath, breath and may be put on oxygen masks, people will find it easier to breathe.
When people are dying, it must soon lose oxygen, can save dying people. I am the patron saint of life.
Under normal circumstances, oxygen leads to oxygen is not soluble in water can be found with water, a premium of about 30 ml dissolved oxygen, the oxygen density of 1.429 grams / liter, slightly larger than air. -183 ℃ oxygen into a pale blue liquid at -218 ℃ into a pale blue snowflake-like solid.
I am a naughty gas, able to work with such as carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, iron oxidation and many other substances to form other substances. For example, I and the carbon combustion will form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, this time you will not find me, I was not like there are 72 of the Monkey King changed it?
After listening to my self-introduction, you know my omnipotence of oxygen of the bar!


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