
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:00:34

Arrange the words and expressions in the foollowing lists in proper older.(标题)
1 hard,many old people,to learn how to use computers,it,found,
2 this,it,made,for us to finsh our work in time,possible
3 for us to work together on this subject,a good idea,i,i,it,think
4 he,to learn a foregign language well,found,it,necessary
5 easy,it,thought,he,for an American,in China,to work as a teacher of English
6 to live a happy life,they,considered,their right,it

答案已经发在“我的消息”中 ,

It 做形式主语或者形式宾语
1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think it a good idea for us to work together on t...


It 做形式主语或者形式宾语
1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject
4.He found it necessary to learn a foregign language well
5.He thought it easy to work as a teacher of English for an American in China
6.They considered it to live a happy life their right


1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject


1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject
4.He found it necessary to learn a foregign language well
5.He thought it easy to work as a teacher of English for an American in China
6.They considered it to live a happy life their right


It 在这儿做形式宾语代替后面的不定式短语(to do...),介词for后接不定式的逻辑主语。看下题就比较好理解了。
1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think...


It 在这儿做形式宾语代替后面的不定式短语(to do...),介词for后接不定式的逻辑主语。看下题就比较好理解了。
1.Many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2.This made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3.I think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject
4.He found it necessary to learn a foregign language well
5.He thought it easy to work as a teacher of English for an American in China
6.They considered it to live a happy life their right


1。many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2。this made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3。i think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject


1。many old people found it hard to learn how to use computers
2。this made it possible for us to finsh our work in time
3。i think it a good idea for us to work together on this subject
4。he found it necessary to learn a foregign language well
5。he thought it easy to work as a teacher of English for an American in China
6。they considered it to live a happy life their right


下面的这段话的意思,总结一个标题..在英语中,如果一个及物动词后接一个带复合宾语的动词不定式,通常要用代词it来代替不定式和不定式的实际主语(即for引出的名词)、把不定式和它的实 总结的标题和前言个有几种写法 应用文写作课总结标题用介词结构,出现制定者!标题怎么写…不用英文,用中文,就一个标题,应用文写作课总结,以介词的结构写一个标题 政府机关的一个活动总结要出一个简报.标题应该怎么写? 钱塘湖春行标题的意思 秋浦歌标题的意思 标题的意思是什么 观察漫画,给它拟一个标题1标题:2说说漫画表达的意思 问一个英语标题的意思A Long Walk Home 学习总结的双标题目怎么写? 总结工作的文章,怎么样的标题比较响亮?一篇总结学院各方面工作的文章,什么标题比较响亮? 第一层标题和第二层标题要顶格写吗写总结,计划之类用的 英语翻译如题,具体意思就是下面一篇文章是介绍工资的,有一个标题是:薪资介绍,英文怎么翻译比较贴切.灌水的一边儿玩去. 记叙文标题的作用及如何回答不要全拉现成的,拉也要总结完了在拉过来. word里怎么改变成有层次的目录 这个标题3怎么和标题1位置相同了?怎么改成在标题2的下面啊 班级常规管理总结要写一篇在常规管理方面的总结文字或感言,自定标题,字数不超过200字.如上, matlab循环画图设置参数假如要画出10个图,在每个图下面加上标题,但标题的内容与图像的位置有关,比如第一个图的标题是“当a=100时的情况:”,第十个图的标题是“当a=1000的情况:”,应该如 《长在岩石下面的小花》-------试着分析文章标题“长在岩石下面的小花”的作用?