It makes me unable to chat with them.这里的to chat with them是什么状语?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:13:19
It makes me unable to chat with them.这里的to chat with them是什么状语?

It makes me unable to chat with them.这里的to chat with them是什么状语?
It makes me unable to chat with them.这里的to chat with them是什么状语?

It makes me unable to chat with them.这里的to chat with them是什么状语?
亲:unable to chat with them作宾补

My cousin Frank likes basketball very much.He often【plays 】basketball after school in the afternoon and 【watches 】basketball games on TV in the evening.Sometimes he forgets to 【have 】dinner and his mo...


My cousin Frank likes basketball very much.He often【plays 】basketball after school in the afternoon and 【watches 】basketball games on TV in the evening.Sometimes he forgets to 【have 】dinner and his mother had to 【look 】for him on the playground.When there is a basketball game on TV in the evening,he【doesn't 】do his homework.His 【teachers 】and parents are angry with him,but he doesn't mind(在乎)
there 【was 】a basketball game yesterday evening.When it was over,it was already a quarter 【past】one.So this morning he couldn't wake up(醒来).His mother made him【get 】up and he was late for school.He fell asleep(入睡) in the English class. This was not the first time.So this afternoon,his mother,my 【aunt 】had to go to school to have a talk with the English teacher.



前面的It makes me unable应该是复合宾语结构,即名词(代词)+形容词 的形式,后面的不定式应该是作结果状语。