
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 00:55:21


1 table tennis 乒乓球
2 in front of 在…前面
3 dining hall 饭厅,饭堂
5 next to 在..旁边
6 have got 拥有
7 ice cream 冰淇淋
8 let us 让我们
9 what about 怎么样?
10 get up 起床
11 go home 回家
12 a pair of 一双;一对_
13 lots of 大量;许多
14 a lot of 大量;许多
15 on television 通过电视,在电视上
16 think of 想出
17 polar bear 北极熊
18 switch on 接通;开
19 take photos 拍照
20 wait for 等待,等候
21 the Great Wall 长城
22 a good time 美好时光
23 a lot 非常
24 put on 穿上
25 at home 在家
26 hot dog 热狗
27 at the moment 现在,此时
28 look at 看
29 See you later 再见
30 good night 晚安
31 Spring Festival 春节
32 get ready for 为…准备好
33 dragon dance 舞龙
34 Lantern Festival 元宵节
35 sweep away 扫去
36 at work 在工作
37 paper cut 剪纸
38 New Year 新年
39 New Year's Eve 新年前夜
40 a few 一些
41 all the year round 一年到头
42 revise for 温习;复习
43 have a picnic 吃野餐
44 walk up 沿…走;登上
45 look forward to 期待
46 do some sightseeing 游览
47 get(from…)to… (从…)到达…
48 go sightseeing 去观光
49 go cycling 去骑自行车
50 go shopping 去买东西;去购物





something to drink / eat 一些喝/吃的东西
2 have some more food 再来点食物
3 in your bowl 在你的碗里 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
4 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物
5 nothi...


something to drink / eat 一些喝/吃的东西
2 have some more food 再来点食物
3 in your bowl 在你的碗里 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
4 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物
5 nothing else 没什么别的东西
6 an honest boy 一位诚实的男孩
7 keep secrets / keep a secret 保守秘密
8 make me happy 使我快乐
9 share my joy 分享我快乐
10 hold (join) a writing competition 举行(参加)写作比赛
11 have problems (with sth / in doing sth) 某方面有问题/做某事有问题
12 qualities of a good friend 一位好朋友的品质
13 as slim as 与……一样苗条 not as/so difficult as… 不如……难
14 have been best friends for a long time 成为好朋友有好长一段时间了
15 be generous to sb 对某人大方
16 be willing to do sth 愿意做某事
17 be ready to do sth 准备做某事 /愿意做某事
18 help people any time 在任何时候帮助人们
19 give seats to people in need 给需要的人们让座
20 travel around the world 周游世界
21 grow up 长大 grow well 长势好 grow fast 增长快
22 have poor eyesight 视力差 have good eyesight 有好视力
23 because of (sth / doing sth ) 因为(某事/做某事) because +从句
24 wear small, round glasses 戴着小而圆的眼镜
25 make him look smart 使得他看起来聪明/ make sb do sth 让某人做某事
26 a good sense of humour 好的幽默感 / a good sense of 有……的感觉
27 feel bored / unhappy 感到(厌烦/不快乐)
28 tell funny jokes 讲笑话
29 walk fast 走得快 walk past ( the desks ) 走过(课桌)
30work on the computer too much = do a lot of computer work 过多地使用电脑
31 knock over sth 撞翻某物 knock sth. off some place 把某物从某地撞落
32 be so funny 如此滑稽 have fun doing sth. 做某事有乐趣
33 think of 想起 think about 思考 think over仔细考虑
34 read your advertisement 看你的广告
35 straight , shoulder-length hair 长长的披肩发
36 worry me 使我烦恼 worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事
37 say a bad word about sb = speak ill of sb 说某人的坏话
38 say a good word about sb = speak highly /well of sb 赞扬某人
39 vote for sb / sth 投票赞成某人/某物vote against sb /sth 投票反对某人/某物
40 more interesting 更加有趣 / more and more interesting 越来越有趣
41 longer and longer 越来越长 much longer 长得多
42 the tallest student of the six students 六位学生中最高的学生
43 the most expensive printer 最贵的打印机
44 not as /so ……as 与……不一样
45 both…and 两者都…… neither …nor… 既不……也不……
46 outdoor activities 户外活动
47 sing for people 为人们唱歌
48 .listen to people’s problems 听取民声/听取人们的问题
try to sovle the problems尽力解决问题
49 help people solve problems 帮助人们解决问题
50 make friends (with sb ) (与某人)交朋友
51 be a social worker 成为社会工作者
52 be happy to do sth 很高兴做某事
53 my future plans 我的未来计划
54 become a famous singer 成为出名的歌唱家
55 be famous for 因……而著名 be famous as 以……(身份)出名
56 in the future 未来,将来 in the past 过去 at present 现在
57 the boy on the left 坐边的男孩
58 agree with sb 同意某人的意见 agree to sth. 同意某事
59 one of the nicest boys 最英俊的男孩之一
60 have no friends = don’t have any friends 没有朋友
61 give me some advice 给我一些建议/ a piece of advice 一条意见
62 feel (really) uncomfortable 感觉(真的)不舒适
63 her bright , smiling eyes 她的明亮的笑眼
64 wear a smile on her face 她面带微笑
65 answer questions correctly 正确回答问题
66 the most difficult activity of all 所有活动中最难的活动
67 ‘Teenagers’ magazine 《青少年》杂志
68 a Grade Eight student 一位八年级学生
69 believe one’s words = what sb. says 相信某人的话
70 describe one’s appearance = describe the appearance of sb.描述某人的外貌
71 any of three after-school activities 这些课外活动中的任何一种
any shop in the street 街上的任何一家店
72 look like / be like 长得像
73 much healthier food 健康得多的食物 eat healthily吃得更健康
74 feel nervous 感到不安 Don’t be nervous 别紧张
75 get to know each other 逐渐互相认识
76 write to the editor about his best friend 写信给编辑(谈)他最好的朋友的事情
77 a wonderful friend named Max 一个名叫Max的很好的朋友 78 a square face and a long nose 方脸、长鼻子
a round face and small eyes圆脸、小眼睛
