求SNS相关英文文献及中文翻译 帮帮忙大家帮帮忙,着急啊, 英文文献附中文翻译,谢谢谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:51:32
求SNS相关英文文献及中文翻译 帮帮忙大家帮帮忙,着急啊, 英文文献附中文翻译,谢谢谢谢!

求SNS相关英文文献及中文翻译 帮帮忙大家帮帮忙,着急啊, 英文文献附中文翻译,谢谢谢谢!
求SNS相关英文文献及中文翻译 帮帮忙
大家帮帮忙,着急啊, 英文文献附中文翻译,谢谢谢谢!

求SNS相关英文文献及中文翻译 帮帮忙大家帮帮忙,着急啊, 英文文献附中文翻译,谢谢谢谢!
SNS: Social Network Software, social networking software, the basis of six theories, in order to understand the basis of a friend of a friend, to expand their network. And unlimited expansion of their network, when needed, you can access at any time point, by the help of networking.
SNS is a distributed technology,easily speaking,is P2P technology to build the next-generation network infrastructure based on the individual software. SNS through distributed software programming, will now scattered in each of the device CPU, hard disk, bandwidth co-ordination arrangements and giving them the server is very small relative of the more powerful the ability of equipment. These capabilities include: computing speed, communication speed and storage space.
Social networks (social networks, Social Networking: SN): means the network of relationships between individuals, the relationship between social network system based on the idea that social networking Web site Web site (SNS site). WEB2.0 many SNS sites are sites, such as online chat (IM), making friends, and video sharing, blog, podcasts, online communities, music sharing. Social networking based on the theory of six degrees from the theory (theory of six degrees separated, Six Degrees of Separation) and 150 rule (Rule Of 150). In addition, not only large companies are now a number of SNS website applications, a number of vertical industries the area of the SNS sites have begun to try, and good results, for example, the objective of the Chinese visual artists of the cellular network of user groups (http://www.artcomb . com), to emotion and music-oriented family drifting (http://www.piaoboyizu.com) and open platform based on Manyou the promotion of social games social gaming platform (http://www.shejiao.com).
The origin of SNS technologies: the Internet, PC machines, smart phones are not powerful computing and bandwidth resources, they rely on the Web site servers, dissemination of information to view. If the calculation of each device and the bandwidth re-allocation of resources and sharing of, the equipment may have a more powerful than the capacity of the server. Theory of distributed computing that is the root cause of the birth is the birth of SNS technology theoretical basis.
SNS of commercial space: When the people by installing software SNS site can have comparable server computing and communications resources, those who invest in a large number of servers to the Internet how to do? Their advantage in any place? Will there be any more number of new emerging Internet companies, and their background they may be the front-end there is not now Google, EBAY, Sina model? even online games such as grand operators, they are proud of the strong Taiwan 30000 server clusters, is not their core competitiveness? home when a comic writer of that machine, you can let him play through the SNS video device of his works, he needs to go to the management of a site? may not be a housewife Html need to understand programming, web site do not need to know how the term, only through SNS procedures and recipes published a kitchen PC will be able to let millions of people to master her craft, and she's cooking in the kitchen on a type of a move are clearly visible. This time, what you would have thought? The Internet now, as a client, we like a moron, only through the slave server to do some things like to see other people's websites, playing other people's games, the e-mail, with the exception of Beyond this, we do not have freedom. Now is the time for the beginning of the revolution! The central task of revolution is this: how to make computers more than 10 million of their own role to play, allow users to create and control their own information. Intermediate does not require companies to the mercy of our server.
SNS Web site: The full name of Social Network Site, is based on the theory of six degrees site operators to help you circle of friends of friends.
SNS:Social Network Software,社会性网络软件,依据六度理论,以认识朋友的朋友为基础,扩展自己的人脉.并且无限扩张自己的人脉,在需要的时候,可以随时获取一点,得到该人脉的帮助.
社会性网络(社会网络,Social Networking:SN):是指个人之间的关系网络,这种基于社会网络关系系统思想的网站就是社会性网络网站(SNS网站).现在许多WEB2.0网站都属于SNS网站,如网络聊天(IM)、交友、视频分享、博客、播客、网络社区、音乐共享等.社会性网络的理论基础源于六度理论(六度分隔理论,Six Degrees of Separation)和150法则(Rule Of 150).另外不仅现在一些大公司网站开始了一些SNS应用,一些垂直领域的行业站点也开始了SNS的尝试,并且效果不错,例如以华人视觉艺术家为目标用户群体的蜂巢网(http://www.artcomb.com)、以情感与音乐为主的漂泊一族(http://www.piaoboyizu.com )以及基于Manyou开放平台的社交游戏推广平台社交游戏(http://www.shejiao.com).
SNS的商业空间:当普通人通过安装SNS软件都可以拥有媲美网站服务器的计算及通信资源时,那些投资了大量服务器的互联网公司将怎么办呢?他们的优势在什么地方?会不会有更多的新型的互联网公司出现,而且他们的后台他们的前端有没有可能完全不是现在的Google、EBAY、新浪模式呢?甚至包括盛大网络游戏这样的运营商,他们引为骄傲的强大的3万台服务器集群,是不是他们的核心竞争力呢?当一个漫画作者家里的那台机器,就可以让他通过SNS视频器播放他的作品,他还需要去管理一个网站吗?或许一个家庭主妇不需要懂得Html编程,不需要懂得网站这个词汇,只通过SNS菜谱发布程序及一台厨房里的PC就能让千百万人掌握她的手艺,而且她在厨房的灶台上的一招一式都清晰可见.这个时候,您会想到什么? 现在的互联网中,作为客户端的我们就像个蠢蛋,只能通过服务器才能干些奴隶般的事情,看别人的网站,玩别人的游戏,发发邮件,除此之外,我们没有自由.现在是开始革命的时候了!革命中心任务就是:如何让10多亿台电脑发挥他们自己的作用,让用户去创造和控制自己的信息.中间不需要公司的服务器来摆布我们.
SNS网站:全称Social Network Site,就是依据六度理论建立的网站,帮你运营朋友圈的朋友.

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