求一段图书馆里的英文对白~我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 14:47:30
求一段图书馆里的英文对白~我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈,

求一段图书馆里的英文对白~我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈,
我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈,

求一段图书馆里的英文对白~我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈,
Dialogue 1
-Good morning,Mrs.White.Can I help you?
-Good morning!I want to look for some books for my mother.
-Well,what kind of books does she like?
-She's very fond of detective stories.
-I see.Has she read any detective stories before?
-Do you know if she's read this one?
-I'm not sure,but she probably won't remember if she has.She is very forgetful.
-Ah!She has a bad memory.How old is she?
-She is eighty-seven.
-I suggest you take this book.It's very interesting.
-Thank you.That's a good idea.She likes interesting books.Can you suggest another one?
Dialogue 2
-Excuse me,could you tell me where you have got that music book?
-Certainly.Let me see.Oh,it's on that shelf.
-It's too high.I can't reach it.Could you help me?
-Of course.Here you are.But what is use of this book to you and your job.
-I'd like to look for some information in this book.Thank you very much.
Dialogue 3
-Excuse me.
-Yes.May I help you?
-I'm a graduate student here in mathematics.I've just come from China and I've never used a western library before.I'll be here for five years,so I'd like to learn to use the library as efficiently as possible.I wounder if someone might have time to show me around.
-I'd be very glad to show you around,but I'm very busy right now.Could you come back about 3:30?
-Sure.3:30 this afternoon.
-Good.See you later.
-Thank you.Good-bye.
Dialogue 4
-Can I help you?
-Yes.I'd like to borrow these books.
-Just a second.I'll see if I can find them for you.
-Here you are.You must return them within a month.
-What happens if I've not finished reading them within a month,for I need some important information in thesse books?
-You can come in and renew them unless someone else has reserved them.
-OK.Thank you very much for trouble.
-No trouble at all.See you.

求一段图书馆里的英文对白~我们要口语,要求是2人对话一段图书馆的 ,应该说些什么好?求英语达人帮我编一段对话出来,大约1-3分钟左右,单词要简单点哈, 求狮子王英文对白,要文本的, 求 哈姆雷特 里活着或是死那一段英文对白. 求一段英文电影对白 <not like that> Ashley Tisdale MV英文对白翻译这个MV前面有一段英文对白,求翻译,要中英对照的 求一段英文爱情的文字或对白 英文的求爱对白要结婚了,可能朋友会要求用英文说一段话. 求06简爱英文对白!要能打开的! 急要迪士尼动画片的经典英文对白!我需要一段迪士尼动画里的英文对白,最好是3个人的··在我们英语课上做表演,最好是台词里有哲理性句子··类似 求对白简单的英文动画电影因为要英语配音,所以求一部对白简单的英文动画电影, 找一段经典的英文电影对白 要两个人讲 三到四分钟的 求电影里的经典英文台词对白求电影电视剧动画片歌舞剧里的经典英文台词对白,要简单些的不要太长.要求每一句都有中文对照,著名台词出自那部影片,要越多越好. 求一段英文电影双人对白,5到8分钟!英语期中项目,要给电影配音,我们两个,所以要双人对白!连续两个人的,不能有第三个人说话……可以说下哪个电影有符合的. 我们英语课要表演对白,求三人的电影对白,情节好一点的,时间3-4分钟 求一段英语口语三人对白半小时内,谁能给我准备一段英语口语三人对白,要围绕某个话题展开的,如果可以,送100分 我们要珍惜图书馆里的图书.修改病句 求一部做英语对白配音的电影时间大概五分钟吧,关键是要四个人,因为是我们四个男生做对白,所以最好电影里的对白也是四个男人对白,实在不好找的话加一两个女人也无所谓了 急求happy feet 的英文对白我要编一个英文剧,需要有快乐大脚的英文对白 要尽量的多啊