阅读下面这封学生来信,并用英语写一封回信,120词左右Dear EditorI am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I fe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 02:36:45
阅读下面这封学生来信,并用英语写一封回信,120词左右Dear EditorI am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I fe

阅读下面这封学生来信,并用英语写一封回信,120词左右Dear EditorI am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I fe
Dear Editor
I am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.
I feel very sad.When I left home,I couldn't help tearing myself away from them.I do not want to be alone at school,and I am a shy girl.I have been crying in bed at night these
days.I want to stay at home forever.I miss my parents very much.Could you tell me what to do?
Your early reply is expected.
Dear Amy:
Thank you for your letter.I am so gold to have a talk about your persent situation
with you.

阅读下面这封学生来信,并用英语写一封回信,120词左右Dear EditorI am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I fe
Dear Amy:
Thank you for your letter. I am so gald to have a talk about your persent situation
with you.
I can totally understand your situation. You must feel very lonely and helpless these days. But it is a valuable experience. You can learn a lot in the school. Not only knowledge on books, but also the ablility to live in the society.You can take it as a chance to live by yourself before you get into university.
I have some advice for you. First, you should make more friends. Friends can share your happiness and listen to you. Second, make some phonecalls when you miss your parents, tell them your situation and progress, they will be proud of you.
your sincerely :XXX

阅读下面这封学生来信,并用英语写一封回信,120词左右Dear EditorI am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School.Myhomes is far from Haining,so I must live school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I fe 英语,写回信阅读下面的来信,请根据来信的内容给汤姆写一封回信.要求语言通顺、有层次感,字数严格控制在100词左右.Dear Mr.Liu,I failed in my English test again.I think I have tried my best.I don’t know why I 英语作文一封回信 下面是张燕同学收到的来自英国笔友Linda 的信,请根据来信内容,写一封回信,不少于30个单词.Dear Zhang Yan,I'm very glad to be your pen pal.My name is Linda,12 years old.I'm a British girl and I li 假如你是李华最近收到一封英国笔友Tom的来信他希望了解你校如何维护学生在校期间的安全请你写一封回信英文假如你是李华,最近收到一封英国笔友Tom的来信.他希望了解你校如何维护学生 假如你是李华,最近收到一封英国笔友Tom的来信.他希望了解你校如何维护学生在校期间的安全.请你写一封英语回信,介绍你校的做法,如重视安全问题、加强安全教育、增加保安人员、来访示 给知心姐姐的一封回信要求:1、按下面知心姐姐的来信内容,以王欣的名义写一封回信.2/按书信格式写,字数在450字左右.附:知心姐姐给王欣的信 王欣同学:你在来信中说,有一件事使你落泪 作文 王欣给知心姐姐的一封回信给知心姐姐写封回信要求:1、按下面知心姐姐的来信内容,以王欣的名义写封回信.2、按书信格式写,字数在450字左右.附:王欣同学:你在来信中说,有一件事 假设你是Sam,请看下面这封Bob的来信,然后给Bob写一封回信,描述一下你的英语老师Mr.Li的外貌,70词左右,可适当发挥.Dear SamI want to tell you something.We have a new English teacher.She is beautiful.She is thin.She ha 谁帮我以英文写出这封回信啊.小明和小华是在手拉手活动中结成一对学习伙伴.前不久,小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语.以小华的名义写封回信…内容包括:1学习英语的基本方法(听说读 英语作文一篇 假设你是某英文杂志的知心姐姐假设你是某英文杂志的“知心姐姐”(Agony Sister),Helen,请阅读下面的这封救助信,并根据信的内容写一封回信.要求:1.80词左右2.文中不要出现作 英语作文 内容如下 假如你是李雷,Jim是你的笔友,他来信询问北京的天气情况,请你给他写封回信 一篇英语作文.假设你叫李华,现是泉州某中学的一名学生.你的美国笔友Jack来信谈及汉语学习的困难并请你提请你根据以下提示,给写Jack一封回信 学习汉语一定要有性趣,不怕困难 不要怕犯错 七、作文.(35分)给知心姐姐写封回信要求:1、按下面知心姐姐的来信内容,以王欣的名义写封回信.2、按书信格式写,字数在450字左右.附:小辉同学:你在来信中说,有一件事使你落泪了.我 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,谢谢 初二上学期水平假如你是李明,你的美国笔友戴夫(Dave)来信向你询问你所喜欢的人.你非常喜欢作家韩寒,请你根据下面的信息,向你的笔友写封回信介绍一下你 英语作文:假如你是李华 春节前收到美国朋友eric的来信根据以下信息,给他写封回信.1介绍传统节日春节.2 谈谈目前学习情况.3邀请他暑假来中国. 在100词左右 英语写信作文昨天你收到朋友TOM的来信,TOM在信中问你暑假有什么打算.假如你是李明,请你给TOM写意封回信,告诉他你的假期计划. 假如你是学生李华,你的美国朋友Peter来信向你询问有关中国国庆节的情况.请你用英文写一封回信.回信...假如你是学生李华,你的美国朋友Peter来信向你询问有关中国国庆节的情况.请你用英文 感谢你阅读我的来信,期待你的回信. 英文.