
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:35:29


the shipowner,in due period of time,delivers a number of vessels to,under the same conditions of chartering,carry cargoes from one port to another.Times of voyages is not specifically stipulated.The contracts are for the goods to be delivered.
also called voyage charter party or voyage charter,namely the charter that the lessor provides vessels or part of the vessel's cabin to the lessee to deliver due cargoes from one port to another,and the lessee pays agreed freight.Voyage charter party is mainly used for non-scheduled shipment,the lessor and lessee only enter into an agreement for a particular voyage.The lessee only requires the lessor to deliver cargoes to the port of destination,but does not expect to possess and control the vessel.

Owner the agreed period of time, sending a number of boats, under the same conditions, the charter will be a large number of goods from one port to another port, the voyage time does not make specific...


Owner the agreed period of time, sending a number of boats, under the same conditions, the charter will be a large number of goods from one port to another port, the voyage time does not make specific provision, the contract for the goods to be transported.
Also known as the voyage charter party or a voyage charter contracts, the lessor to the lessee from the ship the ship or the ship's part of the accommodation agreement shipment of goods transported from one port to another port agreed upon by the lessee to pay the freight contract . Voyage charter party is mainly used for non-scheduled ship transport, ship lessor and the lessee only for the use of a particular voyage the ship entered into an agreement; only require the lessor to the lessee of the goods to the port of destination, not the possession and control of the ship




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