SAT语法中also和and可连用吗?Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses答案是打括号的地方错了,The error in this sentence

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:12:38
SAT语法中also和and可连用吗?Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses答案是打括号的地方错了,The error in this sentence

SAT语法中also和and可连用吗?Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses答案是打括号的地方错了,The error in this sentence
Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses
The error in this sentence occurs at (B),where the adverb "also," in addition to the conjunction "and," results in wordiness
可是and与also连用不是很多的吗,如:She sings beautifully and also plays the flute and piano.(from朗文字典)
34.The Bactrian camel is well adapted to the extreme climate of its native Mongolia,having thick fur and underwool that keep it warm in winter and also insulate against summer heat.(正确答案)
这里不是也连用and also了吗?
Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and these signals also help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses.
另外,He is also a doctor.He also is a doctor 我好像都看到过

SAT语法中also和and可连用吗?Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses答案是打括号的地方错了,The error in this sentence
  1、作为副词(修饰性副词),also表示“也/同样”,和 too 意思相近,只是在语气上比too更正式.also 原则上要出现在be后,实意动词前和第一个助动词(或情态动词)后,但不用于句尾,而 too 则通常用于句尾.如:
He is also a doctor. (或者He is a doctor, too.)  【不能说He also is a doctor】
He's a singer and an actor, too. (或者He's also a singer and an actor.) 他是个歌手,同时也是演员.
二、问题中的also 和and的用法分析
Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects, and (also, these) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses.   ——句中的and和also(即使后面没有逗号)都是连词,重复出现就是wordiness
Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects (and) these signals (also) help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses. ——本句中的and是连词,而also变成了副词,不过在意思上有了改变.前者意思是“同时(而且)这些信号有助于…”,后者意思是“同时(而且)这些信号也(还)有助于…”
The Bactrian camel is well adapted to the extreme climate of its native Mongolia, having thick fur and underwool that keep it warm in winter and also insulate against summer heat. ——定语从句中的also出现在实意动词insulate前,因此是副词,与它前面的连词and在意思上并没有重复,连词and 表示“并且/此外/另外”,副词also表示“还/也”,即“厚厚的皮毛可以使双峰骆驼在冬季保温,而且(这样的皮毛)还能阻隔夏日的炎热”.
She has a reputation for brilliance. Also, she is gorgeous. 【also 是连词】
She has a reputation for brilliance, and, she is also gorgeous. 【also 是副词】



SAT语法中also和and可连用吗?Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects,and ((also,these)) signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses答案是打括号的地方错了,The error in this sentence 英语句子中and和then可以连用吗? though和also能不能连用 请问下 SAT语法中 1.for 表原因后面可以接句子吗?2.would 除了在虚拟语气中出现 还有什么地方可以用吗?3.and also 是不是出现is the reason why 必错阿? and 和thus 可以连用吗? hereby能和and连用吗? not only 能和more连用吗SIQO not only the UK's leading investment institutions funds,more is Europe's leading fund companies.这句话存在语法问题吗疑问一:通常只见到 not only...but also...的用法,not only 是否能和 more 现在完成时一般不与准确时间连用,为什么must have done 可以和过去时间连用?He must have gone to the cinema last night.语法书里说现在完成时不和精确时间连用,为什么现在完成时和情态动词连用就可 although 和though不可与but连用但可以与and 连用吗 SAT,toefl:同一篇文章中可以同时出现people和we吗?做过SAT语法的人都知道,SAT中不允许出现s/he和you,they和we 这样的混用,但是写托福文章时,我们通常概括地说people如何如何,陈述细节时,我们也习 求教sat语法1.The effects of being in love are not only apparent in a person’s behavior and appearance but __it has an__ intangible influenceon the person’s has an well in the C.also have an D.also an the way of having a 这句话中stay 和stuck为何可连用?不需加and?there are a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your life. such as 和and so on可以连用吗 such as 可以和and so on连用吗? ,与and可以连用吗 How long 语法问题.1 How long 可以用在 一般过去时吗? 2 How long did she leave ? 这个句子是否正确? 我知道how long 在现在完成时句子中,不能 和短暂性动词 leave 连用. 那在 一般过去时中,是否可和 either 只可以和OR连用吗,那可以和and连用吗,表示2者都 几道sat语法题求解1.Economic conditions demand (not only to cut wages and prices but also to reduce) inflation-raised tax rates.A 如上B we not only cut wages and prices but also reduce那个we是啥?不是us吗?demand后面不加to?2.Accordin