
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 18:46:12

To volunteer
Dear fellow students,
Volunteering has a positive effect on our community.

In my opinion,volunteer work is quite an important part of the modern society.The reasons are as follows.
  In the modern time,thanks to the deselopment of economy and technolodge,material enjoyment 13 earned both in higher quality and larger quantiy.At a price of this,individunls are taking the risk of losing their own values and even sparing no effert to make their fartane even at the price of the interest of the society.So the volunteer work has been playing an important part as a spiritual comfort not only to the receivers but also to the volunteers,promoting the well-being of the love-givers,making ertra value for others and keeping a perfect balance of the whole society.
  In families,volunteer work will help to emphasize the importance of morality,meet emotional needs and even become a vivid educational lesson.Parents,who are widely regarded as the first and most important teachers of their children,are teaching their children through the activities which must truely toach the deepest part of the young souls,instead of serious,traditional crivical words.Also,during the process,in which every member showstus true love,other members are able to recognize him from a difference point of view.This kind of awarness is promised to promote the communication of the family in the future.In the whole world,the volunteer work can be considered to be an appropriate partt of the globalization,during which the world is becoming a Global village.And the natural and economic chisasters are driving people from different cultaral back grounds to stand together on the same side,emphasizing the interest of the whole world,which must not be deffended without any country's participation.And it is the volunteer work that can be granted the role of offering help in its hour of marimum need.
  All in all,volunteer work is truely an inreplacable part of the society and it is our responsibility to give our hands to make the world a better place.

高中英语作文书面表达词数120左右。假设你是某外国语学校的学生会主席。最近,为了弘扬雷锋精神,你校决定开展多项志愿服务活动。请你用英语写一篇倡议书,发表在校英语报上,号召 高中英语书面表达图作文 高中英语书面表达看图作文 英语书面表达,非英语作文形式假设你们班要举办学年晚会,班主任有些纪律要宣布,你能帮他吗?词数100词左右.今晚就需要,要通俗易懂啊,好的一定加分. 高中英语书面表达格式 书面表达 用英文简单介绍一下中国的春节及传统习惯,词数100左右 书面表达怎么提高?(高中英语) 英语的书面表达.假设我是李华,我的英国笔友九月到中国旅游,向英国笔友介绍一个城市,这个城市的一些情况如交通位置,风土人情或餐桌礼仪.词数:80左右.还要中文翻译过来哦、、、、我是 怎样提高高中英语书面表达及改错我英语一直120左右,书面表达及改错总是失误,该怎么提高?我想把英语提高到130以上(本人有较高的英语天赋) 求 词数120左右 的英语作文 一篇~我在提问之前,百度过了.没看到类似的作文,关键题目不一样~书面表达:你是李华,作为交换生去了美国New Orleans学习了生活了一年,住在Brown夫妇家,他们提供吃 书面表达,初一英语作文 书面表达英语作文 作文 英语书面表达 英语作文.词数100左右 英语书面表达,如何招待客人的作文,抵制网络复制品.某个星期天,父母不在家,Uncle John和Aunt Mary来访.请用英语描述一下你是怎样招待客人的.词数120以上. 求书面表达英语作文. 英语,书面表达,就是作文 英语翻译书面表达。小作文,