
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:03:57


welcome to our hospital,may i help you?欢迎光临,需要我帮忙吗?
what can i do for you?我能为你做些什么?
what's your order?你想点些什么?
do you want us to wake you up tomorrow?明天需要叫早吗?
im sorry,but would you please show me your id card?不好意思,你能拿一下你的身份证吗?
1.Would you please complete this registration form?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?
2.Could you please put your nationality there,sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这.
3.May I ask you to put your name in block capitals?请用大写字母写您的名字好吗
4.What’s your occupation,please?请问您的职业?
5.What’s your address in your native country,please?请问您在本国的地址?
6.Could you sign your name,please?请您签一下名,好吗?7.I’ll need your signature.我需要您的签名.8.Sign here,please.请在这签.
9.Would you put your signature here,please?请您在这签一下名,好吗?10.May I see your passport,please?我可以看看您的护照吗?11.Have you got any identification?您有什么可以证明您身份的吗?12.Here is your key,hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel.这是您的钥匙,祝您住店愉快.
13.Could you please put your key on the Reception Counter when you are out for the sake of safety?为安全期间,请您在外出时把房间钥匙放到接待台来好吗?
14.Could you keep your room key until you check out?请您在住点期间自己保管钥匙,直到离店.
15.The porter will show you to your room.行李员会领您去您的房间的.16.Your room number is 502.on the fifth floor.您的房号是502房,在5楼.
17.The porter will take your luggage and show you the way.行李员会为您提行李,并为您领路.
18.I’m afraid your room is not ready yet.Would you mind waiting,please?We are very sorry for the inconvenience.恐怕您的房间还没有整理好,希
19.Our check-in time is 12 noon,I’m afraid we have no vacant rooms now.would you mind waiting until then?我们登记入住的时间是中午12点,恐怕现在没有空房,烦请您等到那是好吗?
20.Unfortunately,we are fully booked for tonight,would you like me to get you a room in another hotel?很抱歉,我们今晚的房间已全部订满,我帮您联系另外一家酒店,好吗?
21.Please wait a moment,I have to check if there is a room available.请稍等,我要查一下看是否有空房间可以出租.
22.As a hotel policy,we require one day’s room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation.饭店规定没有预订的客人入住需交一天的房费押金.
23.The room rate is 135 per day including 10% service charge.房费是每天135美元,包括10%的服务费.
24.Room-to-room calls can be made from your room,please dial room number directly.在房间内可拨打房间与房间的电话,请直接拨号.
25.Half-day room rate will be charged if you check out after 12:00 noon.如果您在中午12:00点以后退房将加收半天房费.
26.Full-day room rate will be added if you check out after 6:00pm.如您在下午6点以后退房将收全天房费.
27.No additional charge is required for children under 12 sharing parent’s room without extra bed.12岁以下儿童与父母同床不收加床费.
28.All reservation are held until 6:00pm unless guaranteed or informed earlier,as a hotel policy.饭店规定,除保证类预订或提前预订外,其他预订均保留房间至预订日当天下午6点.
29.Rates are subject to change by the hotel management without a prior notice.饭店房价若有变更,恕不另行通知.
30.We have special corporate rates for certain commercial accounts.我们对某些商业团体实行特别价格.
31.Please show me your passport or some other identification.请让我看一下您的护照或其他能证明您身份的证件.
32.I’m due to check out tomorrow,but I’d like to extend my stay by two or three days.我应该明天离店,但我想延长两至三天离店.

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