
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:19:35


My mother has played an important role in my life.She is very strict and wants to dictate everything I do.I dislike her control over me and often do things that are aganist her wish in an attempt to destroy her dictatorship within our family.Also,she often rattles on about things which used to bother me a lot.However,as I grow and mature,I came to understand that this is her way of showing love and care.Even though the method is slightly extreme,it is well intended.Sometimes,even when my parents argue I can still feel their love for each other.This is what I learnt while growing up in my family.

My mother played an important role when I was growing up. She was extremely powerful and strict to me and made decisions for what I should do. I didn’t want her to interfere in my personal affairs, so...


My mother played an important role when I was growing up. She was extremely powerful and strict to me and made decisions for what I should do. I didn’t want her to interfere in my personal affairs, so I always acted contrary to her expectations, hoping that I could weaken and even destroy her influences on me. Moreover, she often preached at me over and over again, which was an intolerable to me. However, in the process of growing, I realized that what she had does was just a special “expression of love”. Although her ways were undesirable to me, I knew her intention was good for me. Sometimes, I could still feel the deep love between my parents even when they were quarrelling. This is a lesson about growth I have learned.


I grew up in the mother plays a very important role. She is a very powerful tyrant, I hated her a lot of control I was in charge, so often, and his singing a different tune, trying to destroy the stat...


I grew up in the mother plays a very important role. She is a very powerful tyrant, I hated her a lot of control I was in charge, so often, and his singing a different tune, trying to destroy the status of his dictatorship at home, there are usually wordy nagging she would make me feel pain, but in the process of growing up, I understand the alternative to his 'expression of love', though the practice is disgusting, but the starting point is good, sometimes to their parents during a dispute with each other but also pull can understand each other's love, this is my harvest to grow. "


Chinese "I grew up in the mother plays a very important role. She is a very powerful tyrant, I hated her a lot of control I was in charge, so often, and his singing a different tune, trying to destroy...


Chinese "I grew up in the mother plays a very important role. She is a very powerful tyrant, I hated her a lot of control I was in charge, so often, and his singing a different tune, trying to destroy his tyranny at home status, there are usually wordy nagging she would make me feel pain, but in the process of growing up, I understand the alternative to his 'expression of love', although the approach is very disgusting, but Its starting point is good, and sometimes to parents pulling each other during a dispute can understand each other's love, this is my harvest to grow. "


英语翻译中文“在我的成长过程中母亲扮演着一个非常重要的角色.她是一个非常强悍专制的人,我很讨厌她管我管的很多,所以经常和他唱反调,试图可以摧垮他在家的专制地位,还有平时她很 翻译句子(汉译英):我从小就梦想当一名老师 “老师在孩子们成长的过程中扮演着重要的角色” 妹妹扮演的角色阅读短文 爸爸的一句话让妹妹改变了态度让“我”40年后仍然记忆犹新.青少年在成长的过程中,应该怎样对待长辈的引导?请结合具体事例谈谈你的看法. 母亲在一个男孩子一生成长的过程中,起多大的作用啊? 许多家长并不明白他们自己在孩子的成长过程中所扮演了一个怎样的角色 用英文翻译下 老师在我们的成长中扮演什么样的角色?又起什么样的作用? 英语翻译 它正在扮演着一个重要的角色,在我们的生活中 在成长过程中,使我懂得环保的作文 我的成长故事800字在我的成长的过程中! 英语翻译一人扮演服务员,其他同学扮演顾客,并把采访到的内容记录在表格中. 联系生活实际,谈谈自己成长过程中遇到的“父亲”或“母亲”《山民》《在山的那边》 在我成长历程中,英语翻译 辩论赛,我方是:在孩子成长的过程中母亲的影响最大从各个方面来说,母亲的影响大于父亲,希望能提供各种论据,越快越好, 仿写片段我不明白父亲为什么肿了彩还不高兴,闷闷不乐地回到家里,向母亲诉说刚才的情形.母亲安慰我说:“不要烦恼,你父亲正面临着一个道德难题.”仿写要求:在你的成长过程中,有没有 你认为教师在幼儿科学探究过程中应该扮演什么样的角色 碳在地球生物的产生过程中扮演了什么角色? 动物在生物链中扮演的角色? 电感器在电路中扮演的角色.