
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:20:48


I am deeply sorry for what I've done before, especially for my respectful teacher, Mrs/Mr... . Not all of English teachers take the responsibility of their students as seriously as you do. Therefore I can conclude that you are one of the teachers who demand students from the consideration of cultivating them good habits and leading them to become successful in the avenue of no matter academic learning or social association. From this angle, it is obvious that I have no excuse to ask for your forgiveness, otherwise I will severly hurt your kindness as a human spiritual engineer.
And for my dear classmates, I made a bad role in this class for you and I would also say sorry to all of you cuz I did something violate the class rule. I sincerely ask you never act like I did. I have realized my fault and I don't hope any one of you spend your precious time feeling sorry for the same kind of mistake.
Please forgive me, although I know that it is hard for most of you. But I promise I will no violate again. Please believe this time, I will always be good student and classmate.

上英语课没带书,被英语老师赶出教室,现在要求上课作检讨,最好是英语的,深刻点, 因为破坏课堂纪律,被老师赶出教室,现在应该做什么好呢? 他们正在教室上一节英语课怎么翻译(现在进行时) 在网络可以请到英语老师上英语课吗? 我英语一窍不通,咋办呀(哭相)现在也开学不久,我就被老师调到和一个男生一个英语比我还烂的人!坐在一起!我每次上英语课我都想哭,原来的英语老师,讲着讲着就跑题了,现在的英语老师因为 一定要两步计算的啊,不然会被赶出教室的···谢谢 正是在这个教室里我们的英语老师给我们上了第一堂英语课.译成英语句子! 现在是上英语课的时间怎么说 现在该上英语课,用英语怎么说 上课被老师批评,现在不敢做作业了,怎么办?上英语课的时候,英语老师让我上黑板写词组,我平时成绩挺好的,但这次写词组写得很差,老师就说我什么都不会,将来在英语上不能拔尖什么的,而且 英语老师喜欢怎么样的英语课代表? 英语老师喜欢怎么样的英语课代表? 一上英语课我就头痛 真想哭我该怎么办 英语老师换了 我不能理解她说的话 我英语真的学不懂了 而且数学的某些东西我也不能明白 现在一上英语课我就头痛 真的好想哭 我曾任初一的英语课代表,英语老师对我很好.现在要上初二了,我突然知道换了一个英语老师,我恐啊我属于在班中还好的,其实没多少水,口语也不怎么样,据说那个老师是初三下来的,我该怎么 有这样的英语老师吗?这样的老师对吗?我现在上初一,英语老师是班主任,她狠严,每学过一个话题的英语课就要小测,小测在80分以下的还要中午留下来再小测,错2个地方(不是错2个句子单词什 学生们在上英语课吗?不,他们在打扫教室.中译英 现在幼儿园大班的英语课都怎么上啊? 关于提高学英语的氛围现在进入高三了,我是班上的英语课代表.班上整体的英语成绩不是很好,再加上换了英语老师,想问问各位有没有什么好的办法,把班上的英语成绩整体提高!让他们的学英