how often how long how far how many how much 的区别

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how often how long how far how many how much 的区别

how often how long how far how many how much 的区别
how often how long how far how many how much 的区别

how often how long how far how many how much 的区别
how often”多长时间一次”对在某一特定的时间内进行的动作次数进行提问,其答语一般为“never sometimes usually”等频率副词.
例如:How often do you exercise?——every day.
how long“多长时间一次”是询问动作持续的时间,答语通常是表示时间的状语(two weeks等)前面一般跟介词for;有时也可以表示长度.
例如:How long do you watch TV every day?——for three hours.
how far “多远” 一般指的是一地到另一地的距离
例如:How far is it from your home to schooi?——three kilometers.
how many 和how much 均可表示“多少”how many 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而how much 修饰不可数名词,还可以用来询问价格.

1. how old“(年纪)多大”,询问年纪、岁数。如:
---How old is your sister? 你妹妹多大?
---She’s four years old. 她四岁。
2. how many“多少”,问可数名词的数量,其后接可数名词的复数形式。
I have 5 pens. (对话线部分提问)
→ How many pens do you...


1. how old“(年纪)多大”,询问年纪、岁数。如:
---How old is your sister? 你妹妹多大?
---She’s four years old. 她四岁。
2. how many“多少”,问可数名词的数量,其后接可数名词的复数形式。
I have 5 pens. (对话线部分提问)
→ How many pens do you have?
3. how much“多少”,问不可数名词的数量,其后接不可数名词。如:
How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?
问价钱时直接用how much。如:
---How much are these things? 这些东西多少钱?
---45 yuan. 45元。
4. how often“多久一次,多常”,询问动作发生的频率。其答语部分或划线部分可能是:
1) 频度副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never等。如:
Sometimes I go to the movies with my parents.( 对话线部分提问)
→How often do you go to the movies with your parents?
2)表示频度的副词性短语:every day, every three months, once a week, four times an hour等。如:
---How often did your father have a rest? 你父亲多久休息一次?
---Every three hours. 每隔两小时。
5. how long“多长”,询问动作在时间上所持续的长度。其答语部分或划线部分可能是:
1)“for + 时间段”,有时可能没有介词for。如:
---How long did he wait for you here?他在这儿等了你多久?
-- For two hours. 两个小时。
It took him 20 minutes to finish his homework. (对话线部分提问)
→How long did it take him to finish his homework?
2)“since + 具体时间”,“since + 时间段 + ago”或者“since + 从句”。如:
---How long are you feeling like this? 像这样已经多久了?
---Since last night.从昨晚到现在。
They were playing football from 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday. (对话线部分提问)
→How long were they playing football yesterday?
另外,how long也可以询问某事物的具体长度。如:
---How long is the desk?这张桌子有多长?
---1.2 meters. 1.2米。
6. how soon“多久,多快”,询问动作在将来要经过多长时间才会发生。其答语部分或划线部分可能是:in + 时间段。如:
He’s going to Zhengzhou in two days. (对话线部分提问)
→How soon is he going to Zhengzhou?
7. how far“多远”,询问路程、距离。如:
How far is it from here to school? 从这儿到学校有多远?


how often 是对频度、频率提问 How often do you exercise ? Every day.
how long 对一段时间提问How long do you do your homework every day ? For two hours.
how far 对距离提问 How far is the shop from your school? It i...


how often 是对频度、频率提问 How often do you exercise ? Every day.
how long 对一段时间提问How long do you do your homework every day ? For two hours.
how far 对距离提问 How far is the shop from your school? It is about 100 meters.
how many 后面加可数名词复数 对这个可数名词的数量提问How many apples are there on the table ? Five .
how much 后面加不可数名词 对这个不可数名词的数量提问, 还可以问价格
How much milk is there on the table? A little .
How much is the pen ? Ten yuan


How often 问频率,答句是频率;how long 问时间,答句是段的时间how far 问距离;how many 和how much一类,问数量,how many 问可数名词how much问不可数名词,谢谢

how often 问的是频率 例如 how often do you go home? noce a week 。你多久回一次家?每周一次。
how long 问时间的长短 例如How long have you had this pain?您觉得这样疼,有多长时间了?
how far 问距离的长远 例如How far is the bank / hospital?银行 ...


how often 问的是频率 例如 how often do you go home? noce a week 。你多久回一次家?每周一次。
how long 问时间的长短 例如How long have you had this pain?您觉得这样疼,有多长时间了?
how far 问距离的长远 例如How far is the bank / hospital?银行 / 医院里这里有多远?
how many 问数量的多少 用于可数名词 例如 how many books do you have? 你有多少本书?
how much 问数量的多少 用于不可数名词 例如 how much is it? 2 dollar。它要多少钱?2美元! 因为money(钱)是不可数的名词 book(书)是可数名词


多久一次 问频率