英语翻译a thought hit me especial

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 09:46:37
英语翻译a thought hit me especial

英语翻译a thought hit me especial
a thought hit me especial

英语翻译a thought hit me especial

Mr. Hayden then issued a warning to private companies at risk for hacks and data theft,
which some analysts interpreted as a veiled threat: 一些分析者把 发出警告的这一行为 解读为隐晦...


Mr. Hayden then issued a warning to private companies at risk for hacks and data theft,
which some analysts interpreted as a veiled threat: 一些分析者把 发出警告的这一行为 解读为隐晦的威胁/含蓄恫吓
"So those of you in private industry,所以私人企业经营者
I guess the point I really want to make to you is 我想我真正想让你们明白的是
很硬的翻译: the next sound you hear will not be pounding hoofs as the federal cavalry comes over the nearest ridgeline to your cyber-rescue. 接下来你们将听到的声音不会是联邦神盾局来最近的脊线 为你们网络营救的 沉重马蹄声。---意思就是联邦政府不会出手相救,你们只能靠自己。
You're responsible for your safety." 你们要为自己的安全负责
