this is my dog,的同义句怎么改

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:35:35
this is my dog,的同义句怎么改

this is my dog,的同义句怎么改
this is my dog,的同义句怎么改

this is my dog,的同义句怎么改
This is my dog,的同义句——这几种表达都行啊:
This dog is mine
This dog belongs to me.
I owns this dog
I am the owner/master of the dog

this dog belongs to me

This dog is my.这只狗是我的

This dog is mine.
This dog belongs to me.
I am the master of this dog.

this dog is mine

This is my dog.
This dog is mine,

this dog is mine

This dog belongs to me.
I am the master of this dog.

This dog is mine
This is a dog of mine
This dog belongs to me
This dog's owner is me或者I'am the owner of this dog
I own this dog