agree with和agree to都有同意赞同的意思有什么区别?agree with多一个和.相适应 是不是有agree with》agree to?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:52:58
agree with和agree to都有同意赞同的意思有什么区别?agree with多一个和.相适应 是不是有agree with》agree to?

agree with和agree to都有同意赞同的意思有什么区别?agree with多一个和.相适应 是不是有agree with》agree to?
agree with和agree to都有同意赞同的意思有什么区别?
agree with多一个和.相适应 是不是有agree with》agree to?

agree with和agree to都有同意赞同的意思有什么区别?agree with多一个和.相适应 是不是有agree with》agree to?
agree with 与agree to 的区别英语学习 2010-03-02 14:18:51 阅读250 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 .
1.agree with sb.of/about sth,表示同意“某人”的意见、想法、解释等.(对象是人或人的观点)
2.agree to+n./v(原),表示同意“某事或某建议”,不但同意而且认可并“愿意协力合作”.(对象是事,且这件事一定会实行)
3.agree on/about sth,表示在某事件上取得“一致意见”.(对象是事,初步意见一致,或许这件事最后可以是不可行的.)
4.agree in "doing" sth,同意做某事.
5.agree upon sth,用法与agree on相同,两者有时可以互换.
ex1:They agree to start at once.他们一致同意立即出发.(一定可行的事)
ex2:We agree on the plan.我们同意这个计划的初步构想.
ex3:I agree with you about this.关于这件事我赞成你的意见.

Agree on a plan suggests two or more people have the same idea about what should be done.
Agree with a proposal or another person when you accept that proposal or the person's point view because b...


Agree on a plan suggests two or more people have the same idea about what should be done.
Agree with a proposal or another person when you accept that proposal or the person's point view because both are the same - yours and theirs.
Agree to often plus an infinitive as in: agree to do something as when you have volunteered to do something.
you can either agree to something or agree something


i am agree with you....后面是接人.
he cannot agree to it.