
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:38:20


Dear jenny,As for staying fit and healthy,this are my conclusions.Staying healthy is a combination of body ,heart,and mind.Doing excercise is one of the eaisest way to stay fit and healthy.The love of unhealthy food like KFC and Macdonalds is something the heart and mind has to control.They have too much fat and it will take a longer time to get them out of our body system.Excercising must come with proper eating habit and rest.This is the easy to say but,to many diffcult to do!Best regards Li Hua 补充:A wise man once said,' you have to take aim if you want to hit the target!' It is very real to all that if we ever want to achieve something,we must first set the goal.Without the goal,there is no fixed direction for us to travel.It serves as a beacon beam that guides us should or when we deviate fro the original path we are suppose to take.Just imagine an arrow trying to score a hit.Without any visible target,all the skills,preparations,knowledge and training will go to waste.Hence,it is much wiser that we should act like the cliche,find the target first,then planned the shot!we must do and not just say .接下去的

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