
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:19:55


1. They knew her very well. They had seen her _________ up from childhood.
A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.to grow
2. Tom kept quiet about the accident _____________ lose his job.
A.so not as to B.so as not to C.so as to not D.not so as to
3. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _________on a big rock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest
4. The next morning she found the man _______ in bed, dead.
A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying
5. Only one of these books is ___________.
A.worth to read B.worth being read C.worth of reading D.worth reading
6. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed __________.
A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch
7. Most of the people ___________ to the party were famous scientists.
A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.inviting
8. She didn’t remember ___________ him before.
A.having met B.have met C.to meet D.to having met
9. ——Good morning. Can I help you?
——I’d like to have this package ___________, madam.
A.be weighed B.to be weighed C.to weigh D.weighed
10. There was a terrible noise _________ the sudden burst of light.
A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed
11. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _________ behind.
A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied
12. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, __________ some bananas and visited her cousin.
A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.buy
13. The secretary worked late into the night, ________ a long speech for the president.
A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing
14. I can hardly imagine Peter___________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed
15. John was made __________the truck for a week as a punishment.
A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing
16. I would appreciate __________back this afternoon.
A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.you’re calling
17. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes ____________.
A.open B.to be opened C.to open D.opening
18. ____________a reply, he decided to write again.
A.Not receiving B.Receiving not
C.Not having received D.Having not received
19. Charles Babbage is generally considered ________the first computer.
A.to have invented B.inventing
C.to invent D.having invented
20. “Can’t you read?” Mary said ________ to the notice.
A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily
C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing
21. Rather than _________on a crowded bus, he always prefers ________ a bicycle.
A.ride, ride B.riding, ride C.ride, to ride D.to ride, riding
22. The missing boys were last seen __________ near the river.
A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play
23. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _______that he had enjoyed his stay here.
A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added
24. The first text books _________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written
25. We agreed __________here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met
26. ——You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
——Well, now I regret ________that.
A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done
27. The patient was warned _______oily food after the operation.
A.to eat not B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating
28. __________in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A.Losting B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose
29. ——Is this raincoat yours?
——No, mine __________there behind the door.
A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung
30. The Olympic Games, _________in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.
A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing
31. We saw the bird flap its wings and _________ away.
A.fly B.flied C.flew D.flying
32. I insisted that the dictionary __________ to be bought at once.
A.refers to B.refer C.referred D.referring
33. __________, ice will be changed into water.
A.Heating B.Heated C.If heating D.To be heated
34. The foreigner seemed _________his way.
A.to be losing B.to have missed C.to have lost D.missed
35. Don’t leave me ________ alone at home.
A.to stay B.stay C.staying D.stayed
36. Whatever _________must ________well.
A. is to be done, be done B.are to do, do C.is to do…be done D.are to be done, do
37. The officer ordered the wounded soldier _______at once.
A.to operate B.be operated C.was operated on D.to be operated on
38. With the walls white _______, the room seems larger.
A.painting B.painted C.to be painted D.has been painted
39. ——Can I help you?
——I’d like to have the shoes ________, for they are a bit smaller.
A.changing B.changed C.to be changing D.be changed
40. On hearing the news, the woman stood there _________.
A.frightened B.frightening C.to frighten D.to be frightened
41. _________the train, they decided to wait for another.
A.Missed B.Missing C.Having missed D.Being missed
42. There ________ no bus, I had to walk home.
A.is B.was C.were D.being
43. At present, there is a new airport and supermarket ________in the south of the town.
A.built B.to be built C.being built D.is being built
44. The young man told the doctor that he didn’t need _______his heart __________.
A.having, checked B.to have, checked
C.having, to check D.to have, to check
45. Try _________the back door if nobody answers the front door.
A.to knock at B.knocking at
C.and knock at D.and knocking at
46. We have to do something to stop wild animals __________.
A.killing B.to be killed C.being killed D.to kill
47. _____________, we plan to hold a class meeting.
A.Time permitting B.Time permits
C.If time is permitted D.Time permitted
48. With the boy __________the way, the soldiers got to the position in time.
A.led B.leading C.being led D.was leading
49. The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth __________for him without delay.
A.to weave B.to be woven
C.to have woven D.to be weaving
50. Look at his __________look. It seems as if he had met a __________tiger.
A.frightened, frightening B.frightening, frightened
C.frightened, frightened D.frightening, frightening
51. ___________________, the players began the game.
A.Having taken our seats B.Taking our seats
C.After we took our seats D.Being taken the seats
52. ______________him before, she didn’t know he was her uncle.
A.Not having seen B.Having not seen
C.Not seeing D.Not being seen
53. _____________many times, but he made the same mistake again.
A.Having been told B.Although he had been told
C.He had been told D.Having tol
54. The glass of water is too hot. I prefer some cold ________water.
A.boiled B.boilingC.to boil D.having boiled
55. The little boy entered the classroom without ____________.
A.noticingB.noticed C.being noticed D.notice
56. We’re considering ______________English in pairs after class.
A.practising speaking B.practising to speak
C.to practise speaking D.to practise to speak
57. ______________the mixture, the teacher showed it around the classroom.
A.To see B.More students to see
C.For more students to see D.Seen
58. I apologize for __________my promise.
A.not to keep B.being kept
C.not having kept D.having not kept
59. The book ________ on the desk _______to her.
A.lying, belonging B.lay, belong
C.lying, belongs D.being lie, is belong
60. ____________, Mary had to stay at home to look after her.
A.Being ill B.To be ill C.Her mother was ill D.Her mother being ill
61. _____________much English troubled him a lot.
A.His not knowing B.Not he knowing
C.His having not known D.His not known
62. He won’t attend the meeting unless _________to give a speech.
A.invited B.inviting
C.being invited D.he will be invited
63. He got the first and won the prize as ____________.
A.expectedB.expecting C.to be expected D.expect
64. He stood there with his eyes _________ me.
A.fixing B.fixing on C.fixed to D.fixed on
65. Mother warned him ___________after drinking.
A.to never drive B.never to drive C.never driving D.never drive
66. I remember __________something like that.
A.that he say B.him to say
C.his saying D.him having said
67. Did you smell something __________?
A.burnt B.to burnC.to be burning D.burning
68. Because of air pollution, this city is no longer _______________.
A.a good place to live in B.a good place for living in
C.a good place to live D.a good place to be lived in
69. Let the day __________.
A.to be remembered B.remembered
C.be remembered D.remember
70. His parents _________, the orphan is now taken care of by the villagers.
A.dead B.dying
C.have died D.having died
71. Would you be ___________to do me a favour?
A.as good as B.so good as
C.enough good D.good enough as
72. He had us __________all through the party.
A.laughingB.to laughC.laugh D.laughed
73. The nurse suggested the old man _________, for he had a long time to wait.
A.to sit downB.sit downC.would sit downD.sat down
74. Those who have questions ________, raise your hands.
A.asked B.ask C.asking D.to ask
75. This room is used __________food.
A.to store B.storingC.to storing D.stored
76. We can’t keep our eyes ________to all this.
A.shut B.shuttingC.to shut D.shutted
77. I don’t feel like ________to the cinema. A.go B.going C.gone D.to go
78. __________you the truth, I don’t like the design he offered.
A.Tell B.Told C.Telling D.To tell
79. _________ at the station, they found the train __________.
A.Arriving, going B.Arrived, go C.Arriving, gone D.Arrived, gone
80. What he said made us _________.
A.to surprise B.surprise C.surprising D.surprised
[答案]1-5 ABCAD 6-10、C A A D B11-12 D A B C A16-20、C AC A A 2125 C A CDC 2630、D C C A C 3135AC BCC36、40A D B B A 41、C42、D43、C44、B45、B46、C47、A48、B49、B 50、A51C52A53C 54、A55、C56、A57、C58、C59、C60、D61A62、A63A64D65B66C67D68A69C70D71B72A73B74D75A76A77B78D79、C80、D


