
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:41:59


1.He will not be beaten by his mother even if he breaks the cup.
2.This letter will not be posted tomorrow.
3.A new hospital will not be built in a year.
4.In class you will not be allowed to leave .
5.A horse will not be drawn in a second.

He will not be spanked by his mother even if he break the cup.
He is not going to be spanked by his mother even if he break the cup.
This letter will not be posted by tomorrow.
This letter...


He will not be spanked by his mother even if he break the cup.
He is not going to be spanked by his mother even if he break the cup.
This letter will not be posted by tomorrow.
This letter is not going to be posted by tomorrow.
A new hospital will not be built in one year here.
In class, you will not be allowed to leave.
You are not going to be allowed to leave during class.
A horse will not be drawn in one second.


1.Even he breaks the glass, he will not be beaten by his mother.
2.This leeter will not be sent tommorrow.
3.It is not allowed to build a hospital here in a year.
4.It is forbidden for you to leave in class.
5.A horse is not able to be drawn in a second

英语翻译1、即使当他打破杯子时,他将不被他妈妈打.2、明天这封信不会寄出去.3、一年内这里不会建一所医院.4、在课堂上你不会被允许离开.5、一秒钟内将画不出一匹马. 用英语翻译:即使他已经死去,他依旧被每个人记在心里 汉语的“可能补语”在课文上,“这个杯子被他打不破.”这个句子不行.那么“他不能打破这个杯子”这个句子行不行?回答越快越好:) 我的要求是“在语法上”有没有问题..^^! 英语翻译:当他正在灭火时,他妈妈回来了 即使物理很难,但是你不能放弃他(英语翻译) 这件事给我们的哲学启示是?多选刘翔在男子110米栏比赛中,打破了英国名将科林.杰克逊保持的记录.当他谈起自己被打破的记录时,没有一丝沮丧:“我一点也不失望,记录本来就是用来打破的 汉译英“杯子被那个男孩打破了” 用景田百岁山矿泉水当杯子装凉开水长期喝可以吗 他的标识是1 英语翻译要用到括号里的词语1.去年冬天几乎没有鸟幸存下来(SURVIVE)2.那个人比他姐姐多活了三年(SURVIVE)3.小组其余的人都在教室(THE REST)4.即使被邀请,他也不会去(省略句)5.当你过马路时,你要 英语翻译希望他还好好活着 即使我们再也见不到他 英语翻译这个有语病吗,有请写出 即使他知道垃圾食品不健康,他还是要吃 英语翻译4. 他受了处分,因为打破了窗户的玻璃. 英语翻译他曾经打破了男子110米跨栏的世界纪录 小玲生我的气,因为我打破了他的笔 英语翻译 晓明在做题时发现矛盾:他在解不等式-X>X时,将不等式的两边同时除以X得,-1>1,这显然是不对的, 用英语翻译,即使他的计划被所有人否决了,约翰还是怀着必胜的信念坚持了下去 打破杯子是什么预兆 打破杯子是什么预兆