
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:53:05


A Happy Time The weekend of the National Holiday,I went to Dalian with 7 students and had a happy time.At 6:30 we beginning,we went there by car.It was fun.We went to the Sea World,Universal Studio and the beach.There are a lot of sea animals at the Sea World.We watched dolphin,manatee,sea lion and whale shows.They are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience.The whales are especially naughty.They made half of the people in the stadium wet all over.The shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks.They open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or communicate with us.Who knows?The Universl Studio is where Hollywood films are made.It was real fun to ride in the movies,just like you were in the film yourself.In "Back to the Future",we rode through the time tunnel,went through the vocanoes,dinosaurs and all kinds of planets.It is made so real life and so horrihle that everybody sereams.It was very exciting.Our car went directly into the dinosaur's big mouth.It is all made by hitech.We went to see how the horror films were made.I was chosen to show the effect and was so scared.It was not so funny.I don't like horror films.We went to the beach and saw the sea for the first time.I admire her vastness and greatness.The sun threw her remaining rays onto the sea.The sea lies there silent,tolerant of everything.

把你最难忘的一次郊游,以日记的形式写下来.(英语作文) 这个冬天 你都经历了哪些人和事?把你最难忘的写下来. 在2008年北京奥运会上,你最难忘哪位运动员,为什么?把跟他有关的,令你最难忘的一个镜头写下来要具体 作文:进入初中以一个多月了,校园生活中肯定有让你难忘的事,请把你最难忘的事写下来.要求:必须写校园生活中的事,选材记述,详略得当语言通顺生动字数不少于600字 求助40词英语作文题:你喜欢旅游吗?你去过哪些地方?请以日记的形式记录一次最难忘的旅游.要求条理清晰,语言流畅,所给英文提示语全部用上.提示语:Where did you do?What did you do?Where you with yo 我和父母最难忘的一件事就是去外面郊游,或者去一次动物园,反正是一件事 暑假生活一定过的丰富精彩吧!学习上有什么收获?生活中遇到过哪些有趣的事情?请你选择其中最难忘的一件以日记的形式把它记录下来 以数学日记的形式,把你想到的、看到的、亲自做过的事情写下来一定要自己亲自写的!别写作文要3篇,字数不限,但别太少,别太长 用英语介绍你最难忘的一次假期. 寒假最令你难忘的事情是什么,请用作文的方式写下来1500字 难忘一件事作文300字左右小学三年级作文300字左右.生活中你一定经历、体验过许多令你难以忘怀的事情.请以日记的形式,以“难忘的一件事”为题写一篇作文.最少250字(包括标点符号),最 英语作文:用日记的形式写一件你最难忘的事情.如题,40字左右就好,不要那些没学过的单词. 你一定有难忘的旅行经历,他给你留下过美好的回忆.请以A pleasant Trip为题,以日记的形式写一篇英语你一定有难忘的旅行经历,他给你留下过美好的回忆.请以A pleasant Trip为题,以日记的形式写一 四年级简单的英语日记怎样写,把日记写下来 你最难忘的事? 北京奥运会上哪个故事或是哪个情景最让你难忘试着把它写下来 日记《难忘的星期六》 写出你最难忘的一次讨论记住,是一次讨论,不是一件事,特别警告!