
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:26:09


Environmental proposals
Mayor uncle:
I was an elementary school pupils Huaqiang.
I grew up grew up in Nanning,Nanning is how to change,I have seen.From an unknown city into a green city China,carried out Folk Song Festival,CAEXPO ......
Now in Nanning,everywhere you can see the "environmental protection is everyone's responsibility." And so forth.In the side of the road,a variety of trash beautiful.Recently,we have advocated the recyclable and non-recyclable trash separate.
However,I think there are categories of light is not enough,to write some of the recyclable trash on a class of non-recyclable garbage and waste of a class type,not everyone wants us to accept as much knowledge to know what is recyclable and what is not recycled garbage,like those migrant workers,they do not know,will throw together,but this is not good.Not only to achieve environmental protection and the role of garbage,but will dump the staff who work to bring trouble.
In addition,I also found a very serious problem.
One day,my mother and grandmother still sit with the bus,you want to go to martyrs cemetery grave.The beginning we are very happy to go out ah,but when we went to the bus when the bus stop and found next to a trash can,which has smelly garbage,and passing pedestrians have five of the nose around to go,we go over time for a very rancid smell an odor.
Later,I visited the place,where there are trash,I have carefully observed the smell.After a period of observation,I discovered that the trash is now fixed,and is not the kind of waste can be poured out,but why would smell it?Later I realized it was because the trash is fixed,sanitation workers who clean the trash the morning,when,simply pick out the surface of the waste,the Department does not clean up in the end.One time,I ask them why they do not clean up the garbage?They say do not want to,because trash is fixed,so the hand can not out into the bottom of garbage can not fall out,so we can only refuse to stay in it.
Thus,smelly trash,not because of sanitation workers are not responsible,but because the design of the trash problem.I hope,to the beauty of Nanning,to fresh air,designed to please the mayor uncle telling people some both practical,good-looking in the trash,do not let those who pollute our fresh smell to the air.

请你写一份倡议书,描述北京,建议人们为了保护环境和生命安全,尽量少坐车,提倡绿色通行,英语作文80字 请你写一份保护动物的倡议书,呼吁人们保护野生动物.(至少75字) 为了人类共同生存的地球,请你写一份保护环境的倡议书 为了青少年的健康成长,抵制不良诱惑,请你写一份倡议书, 写一份倡议书,有格式. 请你写一份“保护文化遗产,促进科学发展”的倡议书,你会运用哪些观点? 为拯救濒临灭绝的珍稀动植物,请你写一份约为150字的倡议书 请你作为市民代表,写一份文明乘坐地铁的倡议书(50字以内) 谁能帮我写一份200字左右的环保倡议书由于环境污染严重,特别是城市的光污染日益严重,我们现在已经很难看到满天繁星了.请你先一份倡议书,呼吁人们保护环境,让天空恢复蔚蓝,让星空重现 以保护环境,写一份简短的倡议书. 写一份保护生物多样性的倡议书 写一份关于节约电的倡议书 写一份英语倡议书,号召大家节约用水 写一份环保倡议书500字 急 一篇英语作文 目前我国大力提倡科学发展观.下图是你在校园所见到的一些现象.假如你是学生会主席,请你描述这些现象并根据建议起草一份倡议书,向全校师生发出倡议,节约能源.注意:1. 运用《文化生活》有关知识,请你以“关爱健康,远离烟草”为题,写一份面向广大公众的倡议书 初中英语作文 80字倡议书 内容:建议人们为了保护环境和生命安全 尽量少坐车,提倡绿色出行.只要80字 了解水污染的污染源有哪些?应采取什么样的对策?然后对如何保护家乡的水环境提一提建议,写一份倡议书.