写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句

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写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句

写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句
写一个著名人物 用英语!

写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句
Bell,Alexander Graham (1847-1922),American inventor and teacher of the deaf,most famous for his invention of the telephone.
Bell was born on March 3,1847,in Edinburgh,Scotland,and educated at the universities of Edinburgh and London.He immigrated to Canada in 1870 and to the United States in 1871.In the United States he began teaching deaf-mutes,publicizing the system called visible speech.The system,which was developed by his father,the Scottish educator Alexander Melville Bell,shows how the lips,tongue,and throat are used in the articulation of sound.In 1872 Bell founded a school for deaf-mutes in Boston,Massachusetts.The school subsequently became part of Boston University,where Bell was appointed professor of vocal physiology.He became a naturalized U.S.citizen in 1882.
Since the age of 18,Bell had been working on the idea of transmitting speech.In 1874,while working on a multiple telegraph,he developed the basic ideas for the telephone.His experiments with his assistant Thomas Watson finally proved successful on March 10,1876,when the first complete sentence was transmitted:"Watson,come here; I want you." Subsequent demonstrations,particularly one at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,introduced the telephone to the world and led to the organization of the Bell Telephone Company in 1877.
In 1880 France bestowed on Bell the Volta Prize,worth 50,000 francs,for his invention.With this money he founded the Volta Laboratory in Washington,D.C.,where,in that same year,he and his associates invented the photophone,which transmits speech by light rays.Other inventions include the audiometer,used to measure acuity in hearing; the induction balance,used to locate metal objects in human bodies; and the first wax recording cylinder,introduced in 1886.The cylinder,together with the flat wax disc,formed the basis of the modern phonograph.
After 1895 Bell's interest turned mostly to aeronautics.Many of his inventions in this area were first tested near his summer sflight began with the construction of large kites,and in 1907 he devised a kite capable of carrying a person.With a group of associates,including the American inventor and aviator Glenn Hammond Curtiss,Bell developed the aileron,a movable section of an airplane wing that controls roll.They also developed the tricycle landing gear,which first permitted takeoff and landing on a flying field.Applying the principles of aeronautics to marine propulsion,his group started work on hydrofoil boats,which travel above the water at high speeds.His final full-sized "hydrodrome," developed in 1917,reached speeds in excess of 113 km/h (70 mph) and for many years was the fastest boat in the world.He died on August 2,1922,at Baddeck,where a museum containing many of his original inventions is maintained by the Canadian government.

写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句 用英语介绍美国或英国的一个著名人物不要太短 英语介绍一下铃兰节!~~~~~这是法国的一个著名的节日~~~~~~~~用英语介绍啊~~~~英语~~~~~英语~~~~~~ 用英语写一个著名人物 写Dr Sun Yatsen的 45个词 用英语写六个国内的著名人物,六个外国的著名人物 四大名著分别用英语怎么说?里面的主要人物的名字怎么翻译?我的一个德国笔友想让我给他介绍几本中国的书。我觉得四大名著是个不错的选择。她让我给她介绍一下内容,我已经不知所措 选择下面人物中自己熟悉的一个,简要地介绍一下她(他)的故事:张海迪 贝多芬 桑兰 英语作文4篇80字,介绍一部你看过的著名的电影 2.介绍一个你知道著名的人物 3.介绍一个你去过著名的地方 4.介绍你的父母的日常生活 用英文介绍一个著名人物,要有中文. 全球著名人物有哪些(好用英语介绍的) 在本册语文书中,我们认识了很多人物.请选择一个人物用一两句话介绍他(她),课外了解到的只是也可以 英国著名人物事迹英语介绍 选择一个熟悉的同学,用一两件事表现该同学的特点,把他(或她)介绍给大家,然后请大家猜猜他(她)是谁.400字左右!写的好的再追加 红楼梦中(选一个人物)用简短的语言介绍一下(故事概括或人物形象) 你知道中国历史上的哪写著名的人物?(人物用英语表达)还有外国历史上的著名人物(英语表达) 用英语介绍一个著名女性人物,救命啊,谢谢谁都可以,尽量详尽,急用,救命的,帮帮忙,谢谢啦 孙悟空是一个什么样的人物?写一段话介绍一下要自己写的 请用英语描述你的家人或朋友,介绍他(她)的外貌,性格特征,职业,爱好等.