
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 09:13:21


my opinion about the increastng of the interest's tickets
You know,most of the domestic tourist attractions,its management has been handed over to special tourism management company,this among them,have a plenty of listed company,have a plenty of general enterprise,have more very person is but a man contracting operator.Of course,traveling scenic area to the enterprise or individual contracted management,the operation of the market,it is no doubt can improve efficiency,strengthen management,help to eliminate government management of the abuse.But for corporations,its natural chase interest rate,and the scenic area is obviously the public welfare of contradictory.In the master of the scenic spot after right,will inevitably through a variety of means to acquire benefits and compensation,up tickets is also proven natural litigation.
On the one hand is the need to travel to drive the economy through,on the one hand,it is high ticket to flinch,so awkward and fright,apparently a lot of local government in scenic spots will be contracted out does not take into account.More worrisome,scenic spot contracted management of time,often are not short,little criterion ten years,many are for decades.In the scenic area has become a tourist company or contracting operator of revenue to the main language reality,not only the price increases will be established goal,or even through a variety of means,in the form of community of interests to lobbying and local government to reduce the kidnapping tickets for advice and action.

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