
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:59:57


A:what's wrong with you:
B:I have a bad coad
A:I am sorry to hear that.Do you see doctor?
B:Yes,the doctor said it was not serious.
A:Dose the doctor give you some medicine?
B:Yes.He advised me to take more rest.
A:Are you bether now?
B:Much better.
A:You have to drink more water.
B:Yes ,I will.Thank you.
A:My pleasure.

A.liu fang,you didn't come to school,what's the matter with you?
B.I went to the hospital .
A.I'm sorry about that.So you had a cold,didn't you?
B.Yes,it's so bad.And I had a fever.


A.liu fang,you didn't come to school,what's the matter with you?
B.I went to the hospital .
A.I'm sorry about that.So you had a cold,didn't you?
B.Yes,it's so bad.And I had a fever.
A.How poor!What are you feeling now?
B.I'm better now.
A.That's good.Don't worry,I'll help you learn the lesson .
B.Thank you very much.
A.You are welcome.


就是take care就是照顾自己的意思

M:what is the mattter with you?
W:Oh,l feel a little hot of my head.maybe l have a cold,
M:Does it affect you serious?
W:lt is just makes me feel not so good at present.
M:That sounds ...


M:what is the mattter with you?
W:Oh,l feel a little hot of my head.maybe l have a cold,
M:Does it affect you serious?
W:lt is just makes me feel not so good at present.
M:That sounds not so bad of you.
W:Well,l hope so,but this phenomenon appears the day before yesterday.
M:It is not a good news,l think you ought to see a doctor,deylay it,just will makes you worse.
W:Maybe you are right,l will go and see a doctor,
M:Have a good rest ,and become well quickly.
W:Thank you very much.


帮我写一个英语对话,10句左右,关于朋友之间生病问候的! 能不能帮我写篇大一英语情景对话,关于天气,运动的,5分钟左右、最好有译文 随便用5个英语短语写一个10句左右的对话 请求英语高手帮忙编一个英语情景对话,10个句子左右朋友昨天购物,我问他买什么,10句左右,每句长一点,急 能帮我编一段一分多钟的英语对话吗?关于一个朋友借我钱忘还了 我要提醒他还钱的对话 请帮我写一段英语对话,20句左右,关于去机场接客户,然后带回公司介绍产品的~介绍的产品是鞋子~本人英语很烂,最好用简单点的句式 怎么写有关英语邀请生日派对对话?我不会用英语写一篇关于邀请朋友参加我的生日派对的对话作文,请帮我写一篇范例! 帮我写一个大学英语对话两个人的对话,最好是关于奥运的.长一些没有问题,我是大一新生,我英语不好. 帮我写两个英语对话帮我写一个有关吃饭和有关开party的英语对话, 帮我写一个关于介绍朋友的英语作文 ,介绍男生的. 三人英语对话受朋友之请,写一个跟体育有关的英语3人日常对话,四分钟左右.也可以用其它话题,补充一句:今天之内 制作一个英语对话大概十句左右,关于怎样度过中秋节的 麻烦英语好的人帮我写几段对话吧!口语考试要用!写得好额外加分!A B两个人的对话.每段对话十句左右.1 How to adjust a new environment?怎样适应新的环境?大学环境.提示:离开熟悉的地方来到一个 人生的价值 四人英语对话写一段四个人的对话,20句左右,关于人生的价值的英语对话,谢谢大家!! 关于中国菜的英语情景对话,共10句左右就好向外国人介绍中国菜的英语情景对话 我最好的朋友 英语作文帮忙写一个50单词左右的英语作文,关于我的朋友的.快点啊 英语三人对话关于介绍朋友6句 明天急用 帮我写一个关于“文明礼貌”的英语短文,100单词左右内容不限,关于文明礼貌即可.