
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 01:07:20


Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes one of the most controversial topics that has been around for several years. Personally, I believe the study in a foreign country is better than in China for the following reasons.
First, there are much more resources if you study aboard. Colleges will provide lots of funds and scholarships to the students who has a outstanding performance. The students can do researches on the topics that they are interested in. The students can gain experience on doing research because they will find out much more than what are listed on the book. Many students will focus on one topic on their research and work with an appropriate professor on that particular research. As the result, the students can actually learn more than just reading the concepts from the book. In addition, they can develop a good relationship with the professors. In China, I believe the fundns and resources are limited to most of the students. As the result of that, students might lose their opportunity to have a better development on their interested field due to the limited support.
Another reason for students should studying in another country is that the educational system in foreign countries is better. Since there are nobody force you to go to college in foreign countries, the people who are in college are really smart and hard working people. So you will have a great study environment in school. you will study very hard under that study environment because you have some strong components who are going to fight for the scholarships with you. Unlike China, students are forced to go to college by their parents. Some students do not want to study and just waste their time in college. So the study environment in a foreign country will be much better than in China.
Last, students who graduate from a college in another country can get a better job when they come back to China. Because of they will already maintain a fluent English or another language by the time they graduate from the foreign college. Most of the students can write very well in English, but they cannot speak it fluently because nobody will practice with them. As the result, the students who go aboard for college will get the language advantage.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that students should go aboard for education if they can.

帮忙英语辩论题~题目是说国内教育好还是国外教育好?英文的. 求英语辩论话题(西方教育好还是中方教育好?)我的观点是西方教育好.想求关于更多的西方教育.. 我们班要举行辩论会,题目是-男生好还是女生好,我是反方(女生比男生好)请大家帮忙想想辩论词, 英语辩论材料:当男人好还是当女人好?呃...这是本班英语辩论赛的题目.我需要“当女人好”的英语材料. 现在国内教育教的是英式英语还是美式英语 英语辩论,今天好还是未来好我们是说今天好的,麻烦找点英语句子……简单点的 开放式教育好还是束缚式教育好 这是我辩论赛的辩题 ,我是反方,束缚式教育好,这个辩题该怎么打呢辩论赛题目:开放式教育好还是束缚式教育好 .我是反方,束缚式教育好.大家帮我找找资料 学英语的教育机构是新东方好还是英孚好?如题 求几句中文翻译成英语三个辩论题目第一个 服从父母的意愿,完成他们想让你做的事情,还是事先自己的理想第二个 钱和爱情哪个重要第三个 在国内读书好,还是国外读书好(文化差异,home si 英语辩论:农村好还是城市好我方是农村,要多写点啊! 大学教育的必要性简单英语作文 就是我们班辩论赛,题目是大学教育是必要的还是不必要的,我们是正方.就帮就是我们班辩论赛,题目是大学教育是必要的还是不必要的,我们是正方。就帮忙 辩论 诚信是好还是坏 辩论~克里米亚应属于俄罗斯还是乌克兰~这是辩论赛题目,请大家帮忙从各个角度想想~ 跪求关于爸爸好还是妈妈好的辩论会稿子.主要针对爸爸好做辩论.“不时糊涂”说“辩题本身就扯淡!这是中学生班会的辩论题,大家可以说说自己的想法,无所谓扯淡。 辩论赛题目:老师管得松好,还是管得紧好?我们是反方,辩证:老师管得松好.请大家帮忙想想、帮忙找找能证明老师“管的松好”的事例,越多越好.再帮忙组织一下辩论的观点、如何辩答之类 1、是读书好还是读图好 2、是读经典作品好还是读流行作品好两个辩论题目尽可能的详细一点 辩论:城市好还是农村好(用英语) 求“平凡的生活好”的辩论论据由于我们班举行辩论赛,辩论对象是平凡的生活好还是不好,我方是平凡的生活好,我怕辩论时论据不充分,所以请求个位帮忙,