
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:06:03


How are you!I have gone through reading all the details .I think that I am filled with much interest upon acceptance of this job and with much confidence upon its qualification of this job .I hope to be given one opportunity to have a face to face interview at your company.
How are you !I have finished reading all the detailed contents,I have much confidence to be qualifed for the given position as well as have much interest to take up this given job .I am much hopeful that I can be given one chance to be interviewed at your company..

I have finished reading the details and I think I'm interested in this job. What's more, I have full of confident that I can perform better in this job. I hope you can give me an opportunity for an interview. Thank you!

Dear..,I have finished reading the details.I think that I have interest in this job and also have confidence of being competent.If you can give me a chance of interview,it will be greatly appreciated.

Hi. I read the details. I think I am interested in the job and believe that I am capable of handling it. I hope that I could get an opportunity to have an interview.

Hi, I think I am interested in the job after I read all the details and I am confident of being capable of it so I hope you can give me a interview chance.

Hello, I finished reading the details, I think I'm interested in this job, also have confidence can do. Hope you can give me a chance to interview.

Hello, I have finished reading all the details of the documentation. I do sure that I have the big interest of this work and I am the qualified talent of this job.
Hope to give me the chance of interview.
Much thanks!

HI, I just read the details. I'm interested and confident in this job. Could you give me an opportunity to have an interview? Thank you.

I have read the details. I think I'm competent to do this as for my great interest for this. I hope that you can give me the opportunity for interviewing.


Dear Sir or Madam
I have read all the details. I am pretty interested in this job, and I do believe I can handle it very well. Hope you can give me an interview. Thanks

Dear xxx,
This has reference to the xxx position. After reading the details, I have great interest in this position. Please give me an opportunity and I will show you that I am the right person for the job.

英语翻译您好,我读完了细节,我想我对这份工作有兴趣,也有信心可以胜任.希望可以给我一个面试的机会. 英语翻译英语翻译这1句:教授,您好.我想知道到现在&为止的我的grade.一学期辛苦了, 英语翻译英语翻译这1句:教授,您好.我想知道到现在&为止的我的grade.一学期辛苦了, 英语翻译您好我是mark 我申请了贵公司的“我已经提交了履历书一个星期了 我想知道什么时候才能有结果发表.而且我想知道贵公司选择实习工时 最看重什么请原谅我的冒昧 因为这份实习真 我从来没有把这本书读完过的英语翻译 英语翻译您好,我想查询一下我的货物大概什么时候可以发货呢? 英语翻译我彻底对这份友谊失望了 我这样译的“I'm disappointed with this friendship completely ”这样对吗?还有没有更好的? 英语翻译1 把这份文件 打印4份 / 复印4份2 你想洗几张照片呢?3 我打算洗3张照片,每张都要2寸的.4 你总计 打印 / 你复印 了 多少份文件?5 我想去买 2 公斤饼干 / 2 公斤蛋糕.6 下面 我为大家带来 怎么用英语翻译“她相信了我,我不能辜负这份信任,永远不会” 帮我用英语翻译一下:现在我对我得到这份工作感到兴奋,激动的心情… 英语翻译这个视频做的挺实用的,我已经共享给我们team了,如果你确认为最后版本,我将会用中文配音.这是一个具有代表性的案例,我还是对很多细节非常感兴趣. 这本书我几乎全读完了修改病句 读完了《最后一头战象》,我想对嘎羧说些什么 我现在未满14岁,还该不该读书,我在读初一,我想我读完初中就不读了, 英语翻译“我对自己非常自信,我相信通过努力可以做好这份工作.”谢谢喽~~~ 英语翻译 得到这份导游工作意味着我可以到世界各地旅行了.用mean翻译 英语翻译尊敬的公司领导:您好!我叫×××,现年23岁,来自江西省,是江苏畜牧兽医职业技术学院兽医医药专业2010届应届毕业生.今天我是怀着平静而又激动的心情呈上这份自荐函的.之所以平静, 我希望能得到这份工作,并且我相信能够做好这份工作 英语翻译?