what is "pie in the sky"

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:03:29
what is

what is "pie in the sky"
what is "pie in the sky"

what is "pie in the sky"
What my sister said is only pie in the sky.How can it be possible for one to make lost of money when he or she just sis around at home?(我妹妹说的简直是遥不可及的梦想,一个人怎么可以只坐在家里就可以赚很多钱呢?)
这句用语最早来自Joe Hill在1911年所写的讽刺歌(牧师与奴隶>(The Preacher and the Slave).而Joe Hill 是当时名为"美国世界产业工人联合会(Industrial Workers of the World),或称为wobblies)" 的工会代表.由于二十世纪初期,另一个宗教组织"基督教救世军(Salvation Army)" 积极对工会成员传道,劝导他们
努力工作,但不要争取工资,福利,时候到了,天上自会有福报降临.于是Joe Hill 在这首抨击救世军的歌中写道",工作,祈祷,吃草度日,再过不久,等你死后,在天上属于主的荣誉国度里,你就可以吃到天上的派(pie in the sky)," 他希望借由这首歌讽刺这钟宿命观.
认为无视于现实生活的苛刻条件,只冀望死后接受主的恩赐,并得到天上的那块派,是愚蠢而不切实际的.而那块"天上的派"只是遥不可及的梦想罢了!以这首歌为背景,当我们要表示一些"不可及的梦想"或"迷惘的希望"时,就会说它是"pie in the sky".



that means you hope the pie will be thrown from the sky ,it means you needn't do anything and you will get what you want ,so it is impossible
you have to work \study hard and then you will get a chance to get more

pie in the sky
比如:Their ideas about reforming the educational system are just pie in the sky.



pie in the sky
天堂, 渺茫的幸福, 空头支票