
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:38:59


recycle to safe the earth
nowsaday, our earth is reaching an alarming state. to safe our earth.it is important to recycle paper and other things like glass and aluminium can.through recycle,we can reduce the amount of rubbish greatly.for example, by reducing the amount of paper we use thorugh recycling, we can save trees in the world. trees help to absord carbon dioxide, hence reduce pollution in the air. in conclusion, I think recycle is the first step to reduce pollution on earth.
nothing can we get if we did not put much effort to it, if we want to get something we need, we must work for it. none of the great scientists and popular mans in the history getting famous without work hard.As a student, we must work hard too. if we do not work hard, we cannot get desirable job when we need to find a job after graduate from school.hence, to summarize, I THINK that hardworking is the key to success.
i think everybody should like sport, whether it is indoor or outdoor.for me, i like to jog. i usually go to jog in the evening. sport has many benefits. one of the benefits is that it can help us to reduce our stress in school.apart from that, sports can help us to live a better and healthy life. the list for the benefits of sports is endless. hence, i hope that everyone in the world can practice sports.
books help us to gain knowledge. without books, the world will be very uncivilized. books have played many important roles in our life. it can be the books that we use when we go to school to the books we read when we read. books help to build one character. people who do not read much are usually more impolite than well educated people.since books play so many roles in our world, we must read more to fill our self with more knowledge.


born to win 生而为赢,30篇,俞敏洪的,网上有文本,也有录音!

英语经典美文背诵最好是哲理性的诗歌或散文.Orz.拜托啦 推荐一些好书或文章有关散文或诗歌 一些经典或日本文学最好是 语言很有灵气的那种 有哲理的优美的散文或诗歌 朗诵稿,经典的美文诗歌,要抒情些,时间在3到5分钟之间最好有点哲理的什么,我相信你懂得 想找几篇英语美文看看,最好是适合背诵的.(推荐题目就行) 小学生来读的美文 ,或散文 描写儿童最好 求哲理美文,要最经典的 经典哲理美文 求短小的英语美文,就是那种200多姿的美文,适合背诵,最好有汉译, 好仿写的美文请给我找4篇美文,敷衍者可以不答.可以是散文,但不可以是诗歌,叙事文不好写的也就算了.字数在500以上800一下.最好的还是名家美文拉,最好的立意是感悟生活或人生哲理的。爱 请推荐一些英语美文的书,最好是优美的散文最好是中英文对照的,每篇不要太长,适合高中生阅读、积累语言的书籍.诗歌之类的不要 新东方英语背诵美文30篇是中级的吗? 高中生适合读的课外书!最好是小说,有点哲理但通俗易懂的,不要太枯燥,诗歌,散文也可以 推荐一些经典的英语美文听力.最好有链接. 写李煜的美文最好是散文、词藻华丽格调清雅. 短小的英语经典美文诗歌或者故事都行,只要美、经典、短小,最好多给我找几个,越多越好.记住啊.不要长篇大论.有哲理的,或者优美的. 周国平最经典的哲理散文是哪篇? 思念家乡的散文或记叙文,写景写事皆可,最好是经典或名家之作.不要诗歌不要学生的作文哦,语言要成熟,不要太长的,每篇不超过1000字