
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:23:46


Who is Sherlock Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes,the world's first consulting detective,was born
January 6,1854 the descendant of country squires.He spent two years
at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner
from the British Museum.While at university he spent the long vacation
with a friend,Victor Trevor,at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr.,
suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.(GLOR)
It was at St.Barts' Hospital sometime during 1882 that a mutual
acquaintance introduced Holmes to Dr.John H.Watson,who was later to
become Holmes' biographer and closest friend.The two would share rooms
in Baker Street throughout most of Holmes' long career,save for those
times that Watson was married.(STUD)
Holmes investigated close to a thousand cases by 1891 when he was
supposedly dispatched by Professor Moriarty (the most dangerous and
formidable criminal mind Holmes would ever encounter) down the falls
of Reichenbach.(FINA)
Resurrected in 1894,after a hiatus during which Holmes traveled
throughout Europe and Asia under various pseudonyms,Holmes returns to
London and again takes up residence in Baker Street.(EMPT) He solves
many hundreds of cases until he retires to Sussex sometime during 1903-04.
His retirement is our great loss.We wish him well as he raises bees
along the Sussex Coast and we try to remember that it is always "1895"

Sherlock Holmes, a character of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. ...
Rivers of ink have flowed since 1887, when Sherlock Holmes was first introduced to the world, in an adventure entitled A Study in Scarle...


Sherlock Holmes, a character of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. ...
Rivers of ink have flowed since 1887, when Sherlock Holmes was first introduced to the world, in an adventure entitled A Study in Scarlet.
Most of the great detective's fans know him so well, that they feel they have actually met him. It would therefore be presumptuous to try and define him here, as his many friends and admirers may each have very different views about this legendary personage.
For those who have not made-up their minds, it might be useful if they read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Autobiography, Memories and Adventures. They will undoubtedly come away with the notion that Sherlock Holmes resembles in many ways Dr. Joseph Bell, one of the teachers at the medical school of Edinburgh University. Arthur Doyle was seventeen years old when he first met Dr. Joseph Bell, who was then thirty-nine. The doctor left an indelible impression upon the young student.
This is how Conan Doyle described him much later: A "thin wiry, dark" man, "with a high-nosed acute face, penetrating gray eyes, angular shoulders." Dr. Bell "would sit in his receiving room with a face like a Red Indian, and diagnose the people as they came in, before they even opened their mouths. He would tell them details of their past life; and hardly would he ever make a mistake."
We owe the improved looks of the great detective, to Sydney Paget, who took his "strikingly handsome" brother Walter as model, when he illustrated a great number of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Conan Doyle dedicated The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Bell, who gave credit to the author for Sherlock Holmes's genius. "You are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it," he wrote him.
