
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 03:26:49


Most Chinese people seldom read books,so they are not so cultivated in terms of cultural background,and it is a matter of course that the same people are ofrelatively poor quality.

Chinese people don't like reading,thus don't have high level of education or high quality.

Chinese people don't like reading books, so culture is not high, natural quality is not high

Read a book, I don't love Chinese culture is not high, the natural quality is not high

Chinese people do not like reading so that the level of grasping culture and morality are in low.


Chinese people don't like reading books, so culture does not, nature is not high quality translation in English。。。

Chinese do not like reading. Therefore, their education level is not high, neither is their natural quality.



中国人不爱看书、所以文化不高、自然素质也不高翻译英语 中国人素质高还是日本人素质高? 中国人的素质真高 为什么日本人素质高而中国人素质差呢? 为什么日本人比中国人素质高 英语翻译高文化,低素质英语怎么说 一个人文化或素质高是什么意思 中国当今社会存在哪些无形弊端?中国人现在太偏向于美化,儿自身的千年文化自身的文化还是没有创新性,社会不稳定,贫富差距大,最重要的是教育之差,人才素质不高民生不够充分体现,问何时 孩子不写日记,读后感怎么办只爱看书,不爱动笔. 什么诗句是用来劝说同学不用功,不爱看书, 中国人为什么素质低?唐宋时期中国人素质应该不低吧,元朝殖民统治后的明朝素质好像就明显降低了,一直到明朝灭亡文化也没恢复,经过了清朝殖民统治以及近代清朝和西方双重殖民统治后素 孩子不爱看书咋办? 我不爱看书怎么办 中国人的素质怎么样? 中国人为何不爱阅读 关于中国人不讲文明素质的例子要故事例子长一点的 100~200字 也可以是和别的国家人对比 怎么结交一些素质好文化高一点可以聊得来的人做朋友?亦师亦友的那种?是不是学历不高,没有好职业,性格内向就交不到这样的朋友?很恨这样的自己,读了那么多书,也不是读书很好的那种,也 贪官学历高呀,可是素质道德不高呀,所以有文化不一定有素质