
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:57:11


Our actions of non-ecofriendly might seem little and can't much harm to the environment but as time passes by and all our actions are added up together and this might cause chaos in the future.
In the effort of protecting the environment,we will consider the effect of our actions before making decisions.Will our actions do any good to the environment or will it continue to harm the environment?This is the question that must be thought of when taking actions.
As we all know,we do not have centuries to go anymore.Scientist around the globe is already complaining about the effect of global warming and the unstable environment that we all have nowadays.
Besides recycling,we will also reuse thing that can be use again such as food containers and shopping bags.Food containers can be kept and put aside.It can be use to keep food when needed.Shopping bags can also be use to carry things...

How to protect the earth How to protect our earth has become one of t he biggest problems in the world.Our earth is j ust like our mother. We do everything can do a real difference to the earth. We ne...


How to protect the earth How to protect our earth has become one of t he biggest problems in the world.Our earth is j ust like our mother. We do everything can do a real difference to the earth. We need to pick up litter around us. You'd bet ter join a programme to protect our mother. Y ou mustn't cut down too many trees. We can protect factories from polluting the rivers. We can do our best to keep the air clear! I hop e everyone do these! I believe she will be more and more beautiful!


写一篇关于如何保护我们的地球的英语作文紧急! 写一篇关于如何保护我们的地球的英语作文或者是如何节约用水的英语作文,词数100,紧急, 要求写一篇如何保护地球的英语作文 关于我们如何保护地球的英语作文 英语写一篇70个单词左右的短文,谈谈你对保护地球的看法.内容要点如下:1.我们为什么要保护地球?2.我们如何保护地球?3.呼吁公众采取行动保护地球。英语作文越快越好 英语写一篇70个单词左右的短文,谈谈你对保护地球的看法.内容要点如下:1.我们为什么要保护地球?2.我们如何保护地球?3.呼吁公众采取行动保护地球。英语作文越快越好 写一篇关于保护地球的作文500字 一篇关于保护地球环境的英语作文! 英语作文----如何保护隐私急求一篇关于如何保护隐私的英语作文, 帮我写一篇关于保护森林的英语作文, 关于保护地球写一篇作文 关于保护地球环境的英语作文 关于一篇保护大熊猫的英语作文 一篇关于保护地球的作文怎么写啊?我要指导,不要现成作文 以【爱护地球,保护我们的生存空间】写一篇作文四五百字左右 我们国家的森林资源情况如何?应该怎样保护好我们唯一的家园——地球?据此写一篇英语短文,不少于50词. 求一篇关于环境污染的英语作文.作文中要用的句子:全球变暖已成为最严重的环境问题 ;全球变暖的原因以及造成的后果;人们将如何行动来保护我们的地球. 英语作文,保护我们的美好家园--地球.围绕节能,降耗和减排等措施,写一篇120词左右短文,号召人们行动起来,保护我们美好的家园-地球.好家分.最好带中文,